[116] Bottled Up (Analogical)

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Once approaching his room, he had the sudden urge to lay down on his bed and curl up. He knew it was very illogical for him to do such thing so he tried to shake the feeling off. He knew that it would eventually leave, forcing himself to work. It lingered for a few minutes before finally leaving, just as Logan knew it would, making Logan immediately set off to work.

He would've skipped lunch like he wanted to before Patton opened the door slightly, and smiled. "Heya, Lo!" He wasn't all too happy that Patton entered his room without asking permission but he never did, no matter how many times Logan had scolded him.

"Patton, how many times have I told you to knock before entering? You know how much it infuriates me that you do such thing," Logan said, rubbing his eyes out of discomfort or maybe it was the tiredness getting to him. Patton smiled and giggled before replying, "Kiddo, I've been knocking for the past five minutes. You weren't minding me like the past times."

"My sincerest apologies, Patton. I should've been paying much more attention-"

"Oh, it's alright, Lo! Come on, Virgil's been asking for you," Patton said, dragging Logan up from his seat. Logan gave Patton a baffled look and asked, "Virgil asked for me...?"

"Yeah! He's been complaining that Roman's too loud and that you, not being there, isn't providing enough entertainment," Patton said, still dragging Logan to the table where Roman was still babbling of how he 'slayed' the dragon-witch. Virgil, however, looked like he wanted to burst into flames and kill Roman (figuratively and literally).

"Oh my god, you're both back. Make Roman stop," Virgil whined as Logan took his seat next to Virgil. Patton sat directly parallel to him as Roman was diagonally from him, which was in front of Virgil (much to his disappointment).

"Roman, your 'fight' as you call it is merely an imagination what you want to believe. Please do remember that not every one of us wants to listen to you talk about some fantasy that is bound to be a falsehood," Logan said, not looking up to face Roman.Roman ultimately felt offended and made weird upset noises. Virgil smirked underneath his hand as Patton shook his head.

"Now, Logan. That wasn't a good way to tell someone to stop acting like what he is acting. You just insulted him!" Patton said, rubbing Roman's back in attempt to comfort the very easily offended trait. Logan merely rolled his eyes and scoffed. He spoke under his breath, "His inability to comprehend the words I am currently saying is already an insult to humanity."

Virgil snorted at that comment and continued to eat his food. It was a quiet and peaceful lunch, except for when Virgil and Roman began to bicker once more. It was amusing in Logan's eyes to see the two not being able to stop fighting. The way that they can freely express themselves made Logan feel a bit odd, no surprise there. He was never too fond of emotions. He stood up from his spot and walked to the kitchen where he disposed the leftovers of his food and placed the plate at the sink. He immediately left to his room, not before bidding the other three goodbye. Still, he felt the unsettling feeling in his stomach grow as he watched Roman and Virgil's interaction.

He knew he shouldn't feel this way, or at least feel in that matter. He was Logic, it was his bane of existence. He shouldn't have felt anything. Maybe Patton wasn't doing such a great job that some of his job had been passed onto Logan for some certain reason. That must be it, Logan thought. Maybe it was Patton's fault that he had been feeling these certain things.

He stumbled into his room, looking around just to make sure that nothing disappeared like the last time he forgot. He could still remember it clear as day when he found out that Roman had taken all of his ties. But something was off. Everything was in place but there was a certain portion in his room that had been added. It was a shelf, filled with random colored liquids that made Logan wonder what each stood for. There was red, purple, pink, yellow, and much more liquids. A piece of paper was taped onto the yellow one.

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