[30] Sincerely, Me (Reprise)

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Original: October 2, 2017

July 7, 2018

Roman was bored as heck. He wanted to do something... fun. What did he decided to do? He decided to make a letter from Virgil.

"Dear Logan Sanders, Life at rehab is all right

I like the yoga, and the sharing circles every night

But dude, these stories sometimes scare you half to death

So many people end up sucking dick for meth

"Heh, heh, heh," Roman laughed after putting that. He decided to have a little more fun with it.

"And one more thing, that's worth mentioning that guy from our school."

"Roman Sanders?"

"Yes, the insanely cool Roman Sanders!

I think we should start to make him a part of this awesome friendship we have."

"A part of this awesome friendship we have
This adorably heartwarming friendship we have
Hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
'Cause all that it takes is a little—"

"Okay, no, Roman, obviously not," Logan said, feeling very irritated by his friend's actions. Somehow, he wondered as to why he got Roman's help in the first place.

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