"OH MY GOD THATS BRENDON URIE AND Y/N L/N!!!" You heard a girl screech.

Both of your eyes widened. "Hi!! Can we have a picture??" A group of girls came. "Sure, but please be quiet, we don't want a giant crowd here." You explained politely. They nodded their heads. You both took a picture with them. Soon, many other groups started to crowd you guys. "Shit" you muttered looking at Brendon. Brendon was still signing stuff and taking pictures with a smile on his face, but you could tell he was getting anxious. You guys had no bodyguards to protect you guys either. The crowd was slowly beginning to come closer to your guys, almost trapping you guys. You quickly texted David.

You: Help
DickheadDave: What's wrong? What happened?
You: We're getting mobbed and we're getting anxious
DickheadDave: we're coming

"I texted David" you whispered to Brendon. He weakly nodded. He grabbed your hands suddenly. You looked at him. He was beginning to get a bit panicked. "Guys please back up!" You attempted to yell. No one seemed to move. You nervously looked around, your chest beginning to feel overwhelmed. Brendon was holding onto you for dear life. You felt him squeeze. "I can't breathe." He whispered eyes widening. His anxiety was worse than yours, so you didn't care about how you felt at the moment. "Honey, look at me, focus on me." You said cupping his face. He tried to focus. "Look in my eyes" you tried. He looked like he was gonna have a mental breakdown. By now, the crowd was completely surrounding us, leaving us nowhere to escape to. "I can't breathe." He whimpered. Your heart broke. "Please back up!" You yelled once more. You saw a couple people in the back who saw what's going on and backed up. The others were completely oblivious and thought you two were being cute. You felt Brendon shake. "Hey, babe, look at me don't focus on them okay." You said to him. He nodded weakly, holding onto you. As if Jesus answered, you heard David and the rest come. "HEY ITS DAVID DOBRIK!" The crowd screamed. You saw them run away in the opposite direction, trying to make the crowd chase them. Most of the crowd was gone by now, giving you guys a chance to escape. "Run" you whispered to Brendon, leading him.

You lead him to the backstage area of the convention, out of the hotel. He sat down against the wall with a thud. He was breathing heavily. "Hey, hey, you're here you're okay now, no one can hurt you." You cooed. A few YouTubers that were there turned to you two. "Is he okay?" They said. You nodded. "He's having an anxiety attack from the crowd." You explained. They nodded and backed away. By now, you're anxiety had calmed down. A few minutes after, Brendon finally calmed down. You saw a tear run down his cheek as he exhaled. "Hey, you're okay now." You said wiping his tear away. He nodded, smiling weakly. "Thank you." He whispered. You smiled. "Are you guys okay?" You heard Jason ask. You turned around to see everyone with worried expressions. "We're fine now, it was just a bit overwhelming. Brendon is fine now." You explained as Brendon nodded. "Thank god, I feel like I ran a marathon." David said. You all laughed. You help Brendon up, holding his hand.

"So what's the agenda?" You asked them, holding Brendon close to you. "Actually, right now if you can't hear all the fans, David, Scotty, Todd, Liza, Zane, Heath, and Jason all have a fan meeting that they need to go to." You didn't hear all the fans coming in, as you were completely focused on Brendon. "Ohhh" you said laughing.

After a couple minutes of you and Brendon watching the meeting from backstage, you had an idea. "Hey babe?" You asked. "Hm?" He looked towards you with loving eyes. "You wanna do something crazy?" You asked with a smirk. He raised his eyebrows. Before you knew it, Brendon was wearing a wig, a dress, and heels. You were wearing a sumo wrestler costume with a wig and a mustache. You both bursted out laughing at each other's appearance. "It's show time." You winked. He laughed. You guys were going to crash their meeting by walking through the middle aisle in the back. You crashed opened the doors making everyone turn their heads. "Excuse me!" Brendon said in a valley girl voice. Everyone bursted out laughing at both of your appearances. You both walked towards the table. David and Zane were cracking up. "Do you know where we can get some good ole tampons? This lady right here sure needs some!" You said trying not to laugh. "Mhm! My vagana can't handle this!" Brendon said sassily. You tripped on a wire and tumbled down. "Shit! My fat ass can't get up!" You laughed trying to get up. Brendon almost shat his pants laughing. By now everyone in the room was screaming of laughter. Brendon attempted to grab your hand and pull you up, but ended up tripping on his heels and fell down also. You died of laughter. Both of your faces were so red. "Well, we were definitely not expecting that!" Scotty laughed into the mic. Zane, Heath, and David were incapable of speaker due to their laughter. "Turn up!" Heath said before he started twerking on the table. Everyone started to cheer. You help Brendon get up and ran out the door. As soon as you stepped out, you both practically collapsed from laughter. You both went to the bathroom to get dressed. You waited for Brendon to get out. He exited the bathroom a few minutes later. You both chuckled and held hands. "Well that was definitely a day." You laughed. He smiled and laughed. "Yep" he said before kissing you.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait! I hope this long chapter make up for it! Also, who do you guys think I should bring into this story? More YouTubers? Other bands? If you have any suggestions please let me know!

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