Chapter 4 ~ Deadly Pull.

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"Don't make me get in there girls, you're acting like you want to stay in here." Judging from the cockiness of the tone I'm assuming that it's Axel that spoke.

While both men are terrifying and both motives are unknown, I for some reason feel better equipped at handling Axel.
Something about Rosik sets me on edge, but perhaps that's due to me having spent more time with him.

I hold my chin high and turn around, squaring my shoulders and face Axels large form.

He isn't unfit by any means, he could snap me like a twig if he so desired however his body mass is big which lets me know that running could be his weakness.
It would also explain why it took him so long to catch Dana and then fail to grab Flynn.

As I suspected Axel is smirking at our forms but as the seconds tick by and I still refuse to budge I notice a slight tick in his jaw, close to the bruising that I caused earlier.

"Get out." He grits through clenched teeth and I make a mental note that both men seem to get angry very easily. That's a weakness that is extremely easy to exploit.

"Take ten steps backwards and then we'll get out." I reply stiffly, feeling the need to prove my bravery to my cousin in hopes that her own courage would soon follow suit.

Behind Axel the landscape is hard to determine through the night sky but vaguely I can see fields and a forest further back.

The night chill has already seeped into the van and I fight the urge to rub my arms to fight back the goosebumps. Weaknesses are not allowed.

"Hell no. Get your asses out right now!" I was so busy making out the scenery that even I jumped slightly when Axel yelled directly into the small space.

Poor Dana is practically shaking against my back and I fight the urge to comfort her.
It worries me that Axel is yelling already, obviously he has no fear of being overheard.

Another pestering thought that won't stop spinning in my mind is the whereabouts of Rosik.
He could be lurking behind the door, ready to separate Dana and I the moment we leave the van.

"Take ten steps back." I repeat, this time my voice betrays me as it rises barely above a murmur however I don't alter my stance.

Cursing to himself, Axel runs one hand through his long brown hair, pulling the bun out in the process.
His other hand dips into his jacket and I feel my heart stop as he pulls out a gun casually and cocks it in our direction.

Not having a death wish I nod my understanding and reach behind to clasp Dana's hand.

Guns were not meant to be part of the situation.

Sure, hand to hand I could at least distract them for a little while but now that weapons are involved our chances have become near non-existent.

Even if I did distract them and use my body to protect Dana I would go down instantly.
My body can handle a few punches, getting shot is something that I never thought I'd have to deal with.

Thankfully, Dana's shaking hasn't gotten worse so I'm assuming that she hasn't seen the weapon yet.
The less she sees the better.

Each step closer to Axel and the gun causes my need to dash grow stronger and stronger.

I shuffle my way to the edge of the van, the front of my shoes dangling over the edge and glance at Axel who is now an arms length away.
He raises his eyebrows and deliberately raises the gun until it's aimed just over my shoulder where I'm assuming the top of Dana's head can be seen.

I muster the deadliest look that I can before stepping off the van and onto what I can now confirm to be gravel.

Quick as a flash I spin around to face Dana as she is about to jump down herself, trying to cover her the best I can but Axel quickly interrupts my plan.

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