"Lex, is that you?"

She liked the way her aunt called her. It had the same tone that her father used. But now was not the time.

With sweat gathered on her neck and forehead, Alexa made her way to where her aunt was - the kitchen.

"A-aunt S-Sienna, the-there is someone outside," she stuttered.

The red-headed woman turned around sharply. The dish that she was washing left unattended as she gulped a lot of Oxygen. Her brow furrowed, as her brain contemplated about this new company. They usually had no visitor. Being isolated had its perks.

"Do you know who it is?" she asked the nervous girl, who shook her head in denial.

Was it someone from the past of her brother or sister-in-law, Sienna wondered. Without shattering her composure, she wiped her wet palms on the muddy coloured apron that she wore and pacified her niece.

"You stay here. I will see who that is."

Alexa nodded her head. Her hairs had strokes of white here and there. She watched her aunt taking her usual bamboo stick and heading to the window.

Sienna peeped outside. There was no one. She relaxed and was about to go back to her niece when someone knocked on her door.

She gulped again. She looked through the small peep-hole to see it was a tall man. Relief flooded her body when she recognized who that was. How could she not? He was quite a famous man in the magical world. She opened the door and smiled at the man in front of her.

"Professor Dumbledore," her soft voice greeted the older man. "What a pleasant surprise!"

"Ms Goldstein! It is pleasant indeed," the man greeted back. The happy glint in his eyes brightened up his whole face.

Sienna cringed. Like aunt like a niece. She also hated being referred to as Ms Goldstein. For an exact same reason. Poor last-name!

"It is Mrs Winters now, Professor," she corrected the wizard.

"Ah yes! Forgive my memory. It appears age is certainly catching up with me," Dumbledore said heartily. "I am here for other Ms Goldstein."

Sienna cringed again but nodded her head nonetheless. And called out her niece, "Lex, come out here. Everything is alright."

For the past three years, Alexa knew one thing, that to trust her aunt blindly. She came out with hesitant steps. Her violet eyes looking nervously at her aunt, searching for anything that was out of place. Her aunt smiled reassuringly and held her hand out for her to take. The girl grabbed it and stood beside her aunt. It appeared that she had taken stranger danger quote quite seriously. Her lips twitched in a slight unsure smile, which eased when Dumbledore gave her his full-blown, kind smile.

"Alexa, this is Professor Albus Dumbledore- the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts," Sienna pointed at the man as she introduced him to her niece. "And Professor, this is my niece Alexa Winters," Sienna emphasized Winters.

Dumbledore's analytical eyes took in the hidden motive behind the introduction. Who would not after knowing what had happened in the past? He continued smiling.

"Hello, Ms Winters. It is great to meet you. I teach Transfiguration at the school which made me who am I today." 

Alexa smiled finally, trying to hide the embarrassment of her earlier reaction, and failing at it miserably. 

"Hello, Professor."

"I am very delighted to invite you to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He handed her a small yellow envelope. "I came personally since I had a business not far from here."

Alexa looked at the letter in her hand. She couldn't believe she was going to study in a school where her parents met. The school where she always dreamt of studying. Too enticed, she didn't even remember to respond. Her trance broke when Mrs Winters thanked instead. She looked at her aunt. Both of them were happy for her. So much happier than they had been in recent times. Her aunt's eyes were shining brightly. It was like she was forgetting that she had been squib all her life who wanted nothing more than that small yellow envelope for herself. 

*Flashback Ends*

A smile graced her lips as a small tear of sadness left her left violet eye. Isn't it ironic that most of the times, we laugh on the sad memories from our childhood while cry on the happy ones? Does that mean we should pray for difficulties so that we can laugh them off in our future?

 Alexa was just used to be sheltered all the time during her childhood days. First her parents, then her aunt. And now, Dumbledore had her back most of the time. He had done so much for her, and so she trusted him. She might not have had riches, but she had loving and caring people around her. What more could an orphan girl ask in her life?

She lacked self-confidence because of her insecurities. But that didn't mean she wasn't self-sufficient. She was grateful to her aunt. Now more than ever. She looked at the photo of a boy tucked in the pages of the book she was reading. Apparently, she had a cousin. Alexa had done her research and indeed Adrian Winters was her first cousin. That day she concluded that her aunt left her only child, that too in an orphanage, to look after her niece. And eventually, lost her life. All that for what? The love she had for her brother. The woman had honoured her duty of a sister over that of a mother. Wasn't that supposed to be a kind of sacrifice? And now it was Alexa's turn. She wouldn't shy away this time. She was going to look after Adrian even if it meant from a distance. He was the only family that was in her reach. And she would keep him safe as long as she could.

Promise me that you will always remember those who helped you.

Her mother's words rang through her ears. She had kept them in her mind since she was eight.

"I will momma," she promised again, using the same words.


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Promise she made to her mother is in chapter 17. 

Thank you all!!!

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