twenty five

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Days passes and it was finally time for the biggest moment in both Jun and JongMin's life. Everyone in the seventeen house was rushing all over the place and clothes were being thrown left and right including some shoes.

"Again! Who keeps mixing up my clothes?!" Woozi yelled as he saw that his blazer was a bit too big for him. "Uncle Woozi ours got switched!" Jonghui yelled as he ran down the stairs.

"What the heck?! Jun what do you feed this kid?!" Woozi yelled as Jun ran back and forth inside the house "I don't know ask Mingyu!" Jun said while he ran around the house with only one shoe on.

On the other hand; JongMin and her crew were ready, calm and collected, and not as much as a mess as Jun and the others. JongMin took a look at herself in the full body mirror and admired the dress she chosen.

"You look really beautiful mom." She looked in the reflection and saw Minhui standing right behind her wearing her pastel pink dress. "Come here" JongMin said and turned to face her. The two hugged each other until Minhui broke away from the hug.

"This will probably get mixed up in the other gifts later so I'll just give it to you now" Minhui pulled out a red rectangular box and handed it over to JongMin.

Once JongMin opened the box it revealed a pendant that had a family photo of all of them on the left side while on the right it was a picture of JongMin along with Jun.

"Kevin helped me pick it out last minute. I hope you like it" Minhui said then JongMin had a smile on her face as she stared at the photos. "I love it. Should I wear it right now?" She asked then Minhui nodded and helped place the necklace around JongMin.

"Minhui~ah it's time for you guys to go" MeiXin said as she opened the door of the room. Minhui nodded and kissed her mom before leaving. As planned the bridesmaids headed out in one car while the others in the other car.

At the venue tons of people were entering one by one they were either family members, labelmates, or simply some close friends. One by one they all waited for the time to come. The bridesmaid car soon pulled up and each lady stepped out one by one.

"Not gonna lie pastel pink looks cute on you" Minhui turned and saw Kevin along with Jonghui and their other friends. "If you don't mind I kinda brought the others with me" Minhui smiled and nodded then Kevin went and stood beside Minhui and placed his arm around her.

"Alright guys how do I look? And don't you dare roast me Minhui" Jonghui said as he turn and posed in his brand new tuxedo. "You look great. But you might wanna cover that stain" quickly the boy looked down at his shirt and the other twin laughed. "Man I hate when you do this" Jonghui said.

The group started talking and waited for the big moment to happen. "Oh look Siyeon is here" Minhui said while waving at the girl who was walking up the steps. In a blink of an eye Jonghui was already by her side walking along with her. "He's so whipped for her." Kevin said to Minhui which caused her smile and nod in agreement.

"Alright everyone let's head inside! The bridal car is just minutes away!" Meixin yelled then everyone headed inside besides those who will be standing at the alter along with Jun and JongMin.

"Alright I'll see you after and at the reception" Kevin said then placed a kiss on Minhui's cheek which caused her to blush.

As any other wedding the groom walked into the chapel first then following was the bestmans ,since Jun couldn't choose one out of the seventeen members, partnered along with JongMin's bridesmaids.

Next up was Jonghui and Minhui who were the ring bearer and the flower girl. Family along with friends began to smile and hype up the two including Kevin which made the two twins smile.

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