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inside the laboratory

Woah there's so much...chemicals well what can we expect from a scientists laboratory ?

"Oh my JongMin is so gown up now!" Uncle said while he placed me into a headlock

I teleported out his grip and fixed my hair...wait did I just teleport?!

"My teleportation is back!" I screamed and jumped around

I heard them chuckle and I smiled ah all my powers are back it feels so relieving

"Son did you dye your hair again?" Uncle asked Mingyu oppa and pulled his hair

"Ah ah Appa it's for our comeback" he whined while I laughed

"Speaking of hair. JongMin your birthday is in a few days which means the your hair is going to change" Appa said while he looked at me then his computer

I took a peek and it had a list of a bunch of hair colors plus the meanings

"What do you mean by change?" I asked

He explained the whole thing and to me that's pretty cool. So our ancestors get to choose the hair color for you based on what they think suits you as a supernatural person/ wolf

"Alright kids that's it for today take care okay" uncle said and the both of us nodded

The both of us left the building and walked around since the walk from the building to Pledis isn't far plus the sunset looks really cool.

"Oh hey by the way what are you wearing tomorrow?" Mingyu oppa asked

"Hmm I don't know. DK oppa told me to wear something nice but I don't really have anything nice" I said and scratched the back of my head

"Cmon let's bring you to the mall" he started to drag me

"Wait I was there with Joshua oppa last time" he shook his head continued dragging me

inside the mall

Okay  most girls when they go shopping they buy like half the stuff that's inside the store but for me I just bought like 3 outfits that's it

But Mingyu oppa on the other hand bought 10 outfits and made me evaluate each one of them

"Oppa it's been hours since we've came here. The others might be starving" I said and looked at the time on my phone. Oh I have a text from Jun

From Junhui
Hey do wanna go out? Like go grab a meal together

To Junhui
I would love too but Mingyu oppa took me to the mall to go buy an outfit for The8's birthday party

From Junhui
Oh really? Well we can go out some other time. By the way we're all the dorm just letting you know

"Who were you texting?" I looked up and saw Mingyu oppa holding some bags

"Are you done?" I asked and he nodded

The both of us left went to the back of the mall and teleported to the dorm

+ supernatural + {seventeen}[book 1 & 2]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum