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His hand was cold so she carefully warmed his hand up

"Jun I am so sorry that you were dragged into this mess. I failed to protect you and now your hurt..you don't deserve me" she began to tear up

"Jun the day I got your message..it made me realize something. I was so blinded by the thought of revenge I never really noticed that I fell for you...but who would want a monster for a girlfriend" after the last sentence she began to cry

For once in her whole life she cried in front of someone usually she would hide her tears but this time she didn't

As she was crying she felt a hand touch her face she looked and saw Jun awake wiping her tears away

"Jun..." he sat up and pulled her into a hug

"I don't care who and what you are. I'll still love you the same" he said while he stroked her hair

JongMin couldn't help but cry even more since she won't be able to feel his embrace after tonight

"Don't cry..I'm here, your here. Things are fixed now right?" Jun said as he pulled away

JongMin shook her head and wiped her tears away roughly

"Jun...I'm leaving again" Jun shook his head and held her hands tight

"I'm coming with you. No matter where it is" he said while staring into her eyes

"You can't..I want you too but you can't" JongMin said while more tears fell from her eyes

Jun looked down and shook his head he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight

"Be my girlfriend. Let's run away" he said in a serious tone

JongMin shook her head and he held her tighter

"Jun they're going to take me any minute and I have no clue where I'm going to be sent to..I'm sorry"

"Can you at least lay down next to me..for the first and last time?" He asked and she nodded

The two laid down and Jun held JongMin's hand and kissed it

"I love you" Jun whispered and kissed JongMin's hand again

"I love you too.." she responded then her wrist started lighting up

She sighed and the two sat up

"Does this mean it's time? It's way too early for you to leave" Jun asked and JongMin nodded

As JongMin stood up Jun stood up as well but pulled her into one last hug and..

As JongMin stood up Jun stood up as well but pulled her into one last hug and

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.
+ supernatural + {seventeen}[book 1 & 2]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang