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+ Mingyu's POV +

Since today is our last day here in Busan manager hyung gave us the whole day to ourselves

The others wanted to go on a tour around Busan and visit some places

Before that could happen I need to talk with a few people

"JongMin I'll be back" she nodded while looking on her phone

She's been texting someone named MeiXin and I'm guessing it's serious since hasn't stopped typing for the past few minutes

I went over to Coups hyungs room where everyone was waiting I opened the door hopefully to find the people I need

"Dokyeom~ah , Jun hyung I need to talk to you" I said in my deep voice kinda like Wonwoo hyung

The two looked at each other and followed me outside

"Both of you stay away from JongMin..fighting for her love isn't worth it" they both scrunched their faces

"What are you talking about?" Jun hyung asked

"The both of you like JongMin and are willing to fight for her I heard everything last night"  I took a deep breath before continuing

"It's not worth it..once JongMin finds her dad and brother she's no longer going to stay with us so don't get your hopes up" as much it hurts to say that but I can't let these two friendship get ruined by JongMin

I know everything about Kris' plan on attacking JongMin then if that happens when she's around us all the guys will know about her powers which means she has to leave us

"Are you just saying that because she likes Inseong? If your just saying that for me to stop liking JongMin it's not gonna work. I'll stop these feelings once she rejects me" Dokyeom said

"Her and Inseong are nothing but friends" I said

"Anyways just forget this stupid battle between you two. Plus JongMin hates when people fight for her" I walked away and back into our room

She was still sitting in the same position but this time she was calling someone

"Ne...I will unnie...take care" she hung up and looked at me

"Are the others ready?" She asked smiling

"Yup..hey let's ditch them" I suggested her face changed

"Let's have some cousin time. Please!" She sighed and nodded

Although she likes spending time with the others it would just be awkward after what I just did

The both of us left the room and started heading out not even telling the others

"So where to giant puppy" she asked I pinched her cheek and told her to follow me

I took her to a cafe here and order some food since we haven't ate yet

"You are really mean to the other members" she told me and I looked at her

+ supernatural + {seventeen}[book 1 & 2]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ