one last message

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"Let's just hurry and get to Jeju quick" Seonho said while going outside to the jet

In total there's about 27 of us who are coming on this mission at first I thought that wasn't going to be enough but seeing what all of us are capable of doing I think we can do this

"Alright just sit and relax it's almost an three hour trip" Mr. Kim said and all of us obeyed

Once the plane took off everyone just sat back and relaxed. As usual Seonho was next to me while across from us was Dino and one of the trainees which I think his name is Bae Jinyoung?

Everyone was either doing their own thing or talking with another which is good. Creating a bond between all of us will strengthen our battle

"Hey hyung" I looked up and saw Dino looking at me

"I'm glad that you and JongMin noona are together" he said which kinda threw me off guard

"Thanks Dino~ah" I felt Seonho's head rest on my shoulder

"You and noona are literally made for each other. Your guys string is very strong" I tilted my head once he said string

"You and noona's red string is so strong hyung, it's a myth that originated from a Chinese legend. You don't know it?" He asked and I shook my head

He fixed his seatbelt then leaned forward before speaking to me

"It's when the gods tie an invisible red cord around the ankles of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation or help each other in a certain way. The cord may stretch or get tangled, but never break"

I just stared at Dino amazed with the words that just came out of his mouth

+ three hours later +

Once all of us landed in Jeju we all went to the Kim institution base that's here in Korea

"Alright we'll be staying here for tonight then tomorrow is when we'll drive to the hideout" All of us nodded and headed to our shared rooms

When I got to the room I laid flat on the bed thinking of ways o could save JongMin without her getting hurt in the process

"Jun appa?" I sat up and saw Seonho

He walked over and sat next to me then started clinging onto my arm

Now yes sometimes Seonho clinging onto my arm may sound annoying but to me it's a big deal

One; I'm technically the father of this boy since JongMin adopted him
Two; he really misses JongMin a whole lot
Three; It makes me feel that he's safe around me

"Do you think we'll be able to save her?" He asked and I nodded

Things were quiet in the room until my phone rang

"What the.." Seonho took a look at the screen and gasped

The both of us ran down the stairs of the industry and gathered everyone into one room

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