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"Hey can we talk?"

Jun sat there and stared at JongMin, the room was silent between the two and none of them dared to speak for a while. "Listen, if you don't want to see me it's alright. I'll give you the space you need but truthfully it's gonna be a little tough with the twins-"

"I know. They need their mother" Jun said cutting her off in a monotone voice. JongMin nodded and felt her heart race as she stared at Jun. "I don't think I should be saying this nor do you want me to say this, but I'm sorry" she said then Jun made eye contact with her. He didn't say anything and it made JongMin more nervous.

"Go, the twins need you" Jun said then JongMin nodded and walked out of the room then felt her heart ache just a bit. "Oh omma! There you are, let's go the others are waiting." Seonho said running into the house in his swimming trunks.

The two headed outside and started playing and hanging around with everyone. "Jun hyung you're here!" JongMin turned around and the made eye contact once again. "Hyung! Come on let's play some volleyball" Seungkwan said then Jun placed a smile on his face and walked pass JongMin.

JongMin sighed then soon placed a fake smile then pretended to enjoy everything even though deep down she felt like dying.

The nighttime rolled around and everyone was inside the house either playing video games on the tv or purposely singing off-key to any song that was played. "And this is why you aren't a main vocal" DK joked around and everyone playfully smacked him.

"Oh mom, are you going to sleep now ?" Minhui asked as JongMin walked into the room with a hoodie on along with some pajama shorts. "No, I'm just gonna go for a little walk it's a bit boring in my room." She replied and Minhui went back to finishing to work JongIn assigned her.

JongMin walked out into the sand and went near the water and went ankles deep into the water. It was cold but she didn't care, JongMin looked out to the ocean and stared at the waves along with the stars.

Sighing she felt a tear fall down her face as she remembered the tone and expression on Jun's face from their conversation earlier. "Why did I even bother? Ancestor...why did you give me another chance? You should've just let me died back in Jeju..the twins would've been better without me.." she said and felt more tears flow down her face.

"Don't say that." She turned around and saw Jun, quickly she wiped away her tears and Jun walked closer letting himself into the water. "I-I didn't know you were there.." she said trying not to burst into more tears. "Come here" He said but JongMin didn't move, Jun shook his head and went closer to JongMin and pulled her into a hug.

"I missed this...I missed us" Jun said then as expected JongMin bursted into tears. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry for leaving you guys. I-I didn't want to hide, I wanted to show myself right away all believed I was dead" JongMin said through her sobs.

"Shh...that's enough...what matters is that I can hold you in my arms again and that we can finally be a complete family" jun said while fighting back his own tears. He pulled away from the hug and took a look at JongMin, smiling her wiped away her tears and gently placed a kiss on her lips.

"I also missed doing that. Man it feels so good to kiss you again" he said with a gummy smile which also made JongMin smile as well. The two stayed in the water for a while until they headed back to the beach house. "Aren't you going to sleep?" JongMin asked as she pulled the blanket over her, Jun shook his head then he placed another kiss on JongMin's forehead. "You sleep first, you must be really tired I'll sleep later" JongMin nodded then slowly fell asleep.

As JongMin was fast asleep the twins came into the room and saw their mother fast asleep. Quietly they went over and placed a kiss on her cheek then soon left. Jun couldn't help but feel a bit of an ache in his heart, he gently sat next to JongMin on her bed and stared at her.

 Jun couldn't help but feel a bit of an ache in his heart, he gently sat next to JongMin on her bed and stared at her

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"Thank god you're back. Everything wasn't the same without you. From now on, I will make sure you'll never ever leave my side ever again. Living without you was rough"

+here's a quick update! sorry if it was really late and short i just been busy with school and i had some spare time so might as well give you guys some sort of update :) +

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