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He just looked at me and pulled me up from the ground while  wrapping his arm around me

"You shouldn't be here by yourself crying in the rain and accusing yourself for killing who ever you were talking about"  he said while he patted my back

"How did you know I was here?" I asked and he let go of the hug

"After you and Mingyu left I went to the store instead of the dorm and I saw you I even called out your name"

"Oh sorry..." I apologized while looking back at Soo Ah's grave

"Let's bring you home alright? I know the others are worried about you" I nodded and crouched down at Soo Ah's grave

"I'm sorry for not being able to protect you..." I said and stood up

I nodded at DK and the both of us started walking back to the dorm

"DK..thank you for being there for me" I said as we we're waiting at the crosswalk

"No problem, I'll be there for you when nobody else can be. I'm not saying this just cause I use to like you" he smiled I remembered the moment I rejected his feelings whoops

The cold wind blew as we walked which made me shiver since my clothes were drenched from the rain

"You cold? I'll give you my jacket" DK said and stopped walking

"No no it's fine I'll just use my fire powers to make myself warm" I assured and he nodded

I made myself slightly warm but not too hot since I can burst into flames and I don't want to accidentally burn DK

Once we reached the dorm and opened the door I was tackled by Seonho

"Thank goodness your alive, Are you hurt? Did you get hurt? Do you have any injuries?" I questioned while checking his face and body

He just shook his head and hugged me again then he started to mumble something

"What are you saying Seonho~ah?"

"I thought I wasn't ever going to see you again...I don't want you to leave me" he said clearly while crying

The others eyes were glossy and looked like they were about to cry. I felt my insides break and I kissed his forehead

"I'm never ever going to leave you..I promise" I said then all the sudden the rest of Seventeen came over and did a giant group hug

As we pulled away the others told me to go take a warm shower since DK told them I stood in the rain and to change into something dry

Jun brought me upstairs and let me use his shower since he didn't want the others to accidentally walk in on me showering

"You know I think a bubble bath would be best for you" he said while filling the bathtub with warm water

"Thanks.." I said and he pulled me into a hug before leaving the bathroom

"Your extra clothes are right there. I was going to ask if you wanted me to stay and join you but not now you had a rough day" I smiled at him and playfully pushed him out the bathroom

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