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I've had enough of her always leaving, it's time to set things straight just to keep the twins safe

"Yah Jaemin, what did I tell you?" I said as soon as she walked into the living room


"SiCheng, stay out of this alright remember our agreement to Mr. Kim" I cut SiCheng off and he just nodded

"Inseong are we still going on about this?" She asked sounding a bit annoyed and I nodded while sitting up straight in my seat

"Inseong, Listen I know where this is going to go but-"

"If you know where this is going to go, then why do you keep doing it then? Tell me that. Why do you continue to show yourself to the twins"

She placed her resting bit*h face on and crossed her arms while leaning against the wall

"I'm just checking up on them alright? Is it bad for a mother to check up on her kids?" She sarcastically said

The words I'm about to say make her hate me and all but I have to do it

"Mother? Does a mother leave her kids for 17 years and-"

"You shut it, I never wanted to leave my kids Inseong and you know that for a damn fact" she said starting to get angry

"I'm just saying how can you call yourself a mother when you haven't any experiences of raising a child? And Seonho doesn't count"

The color in her eyes began to shift from brown to red and I saw her veins popping out

"Anyways, you're not allowed to leave this apartment until Mr. Kim gives me permission to" I said while closing my laptop getting ready to leave

"Why are you pulling me away from kids!? I just want to be their mother! I just want to be with my family!" She finally snapped

"You're family thinks you're dead! You just can't suddenly re-appear out of nowhere and think things are gonna be all happy ending from then on. Look on the reality side of things" I shot back and I felt her anger get bigger and bigger

She was about to come towards me but SiCheng held her back and he just looked at me

"Hyung that's enough" he said while struggling to hold her back

"You have no right, to tell me what to do nor have any control over my family!" She yelled still struggling to get out of SiCheng's grip

"Technically I do. Once you left both me and SiCheng took care of the twins, your brother, and checked up on seventeen from time to time" she finally got out of SiCheng's grip

"Well nobody asked you to do that Inseong! I could've taken care of my family myself" once again she tried to come towards me and hit me but SiCheng held her back again

"Exactly nobody asked us, nobody asked me and hyung too but we did that since you're our best friend and we know how much you love you're family and the twins" SiCheng said trying to calm her down

"Who constantly checked up on Seventeen to see if they're alright? I did. Who raised the twins for 10 years? I did. Who taught them to read, write, speak, walk, use their powers, and how to still love their mother knowing that she's 'gone'? I DID. So don't tell me that I have no right of controlling the twins because without me who knows how they'll be like today"

To clear things up and on why I'm like this, JongMin never died. She lived due to Mr. Kim reviving her back in Jeju. While everyone else left, he stayed back in Jeju and with the help of other scientists they saved JongMin

They stayed in Jeju until JongMin gave birth to the twins once they came back JongMin only had a year to spend with the twins until she had to be separated from them

They needed to give JongMin her powers back and that takes a while since she has to remaster each one.

When the twins were at the age where they questioned where she was and where Jun was, since I explained to them that I wasn't their father, I told them that JongMin died and that Jun is still alive.

So when they were 10 that's when I gave them to Jun since he deserves to raise them and not me. The letter from JongMin was really from JongMin herself and the voicemail.

Ever since then on, me and SiCheng and Mr. Kim are the only ones that know that JongMin is alive. Mr. Kim told me that once he's done monitoring JongMin's powers he'll allow me to set her free

Also Mr. Kim told everyone that JongMin is dead so they wouldn't suspect on why he was gone for a long time and then made up a story on how he gave JongMin's last bit of life to the twins to be alive.

"Inseong why are you like this to me suddenly? All I want to do is be a mother to my kids, can't I just do that? I want to stop hiding. I want to hug them, kiss them, and make up for all the years I've been gone. I want to be with Jun, I want to be with him so badly Inseong." Don't break Inseong you can't...

"I know but until Mr. Kim gives me permission to set you free, you're stuck here" I simply said

It's killing me on the inside that I have to be like this to her but if she continues to show herself to the twins especially Minhui I have no idea how to fix it. It'll be even harder to explain to not only the twins but to Jun as well.

"I just want to be with my family..." I heard her whisper

"You'll be with them soon, I promise" SiCheng said while patting her back

"JongMin this is for your own good. I swear once you're powers-"

"Shut up Inseong, I don't want to hear a word from you. All the words you say are complete sh*t!Also don't call me JongMin" she said while her eye color went back to normal

"I'm gonna call you whatever I want because here in this apartment, my apartment to be exact, I'm in charge. Cuz damn JongMin if it weren't for me and SiCheng who knows where the hell you'll be. Be grateful that I still took you in despite everything you did to your family and to both me and SiCheng"

I hate to be the bad guy here, but I have to do what's right.

+how do y'all feel about the new inseong? anyways just wanted to update something before i leave to go study for finals the next update will possibly around next week.
shameless promo but follow me on twitter @ svtjunhao and I'll make sure to follow you back! +

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