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"Kevin Wu?"  The guy nodded and told me to have seat

Wait if this guy is my mom's enemies son, then why is he showing himself to me?

"Why'd you call me? How do you even have my phone number?" He opened his backpack and pulled out a folder and handed it to me

Opening the folder up I saw that it was my profile and it had every single bit of information about me

"My father's men follow you around. And yes I know my father is no longer here, but my mother is seeking vengeance for him" I nodded and closed the folder

I feel a bit freaked about this..maybe coming here was probably a bad idea

"Okay..but if your father is my mom's enemy, why are you even showing yourself to me? I don't mean to insult you by the way" he smiled at the last sentence and took a sip of his beverage

"I'm tired of my fathers men pushing me around. I'm suppose to be spying on you but I'm done with all of this"

I was confused on what he meant before I could ask the waiter came and placed down a smoothie on the table and left

"I have tons of explaining to do so might as well make you feel comfortable" I nodded and took a sip of the smoothie

He cleared his throat and started telling me everything from the start till now. I found everything he said very interesting.

"I don't want to see you as enemy. Maybe if I got to really know you I could somehow convince my mother that she shouldn't be coming after you and your grandfather's industry"

"Does your uncles or family talk about my dad?" He asked and I thought about it

"Yeah, but they didn't say much. They just told me and my brother that he's the cause of why my you know...dead" his eyes soften and he nodded

It stayed silent between us until the sound of my phone broke the awkward silence. I picked it up and saw that Jonghui texted me

From Jonghui
I think she came back. There's a random box inside our room. Can you come home now?

"I'm guessing that's your brother?" I nodded and quickly texted him back

To Jonghui
Yeah I'll be home in like 15-20 minutes. Just don't touch the box.

"I kinda have to get going.." Kevin nodded and the both of us left the cafe

I was about to turn and start walking but he stopped me

"Let me bring you home. Just tell my driver where your address" I was going to tell him that he doesn't need to but he had that look on his face which meant that he isn't going to take 'no' for an answer

Following him into the car I told the driver and they started driving to the dorm. The driver kept taking a few looks at me through the reflection of the mirror which kinda made me uncomfortable

"Um, please keep your eyes on the road. The last we need is for us to get into an accident" Kevin suddenly said and the driver nodded and adverted his attention to the road

In the reflection I took a look at the drivers name tag and read the name.

Tao? The drivers name is Tao? Why does that sound familiar?

After the drive I got out of the car and waved bye to Kevin then took a look at the driver before entering the house.

"Oh, Minhui there you are. We're gonna go to practice want to come?" Uncle Soonyoung asked as I walked in

+ supernatural + {seventeen}[book 1 & 2]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя