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+ JongMin's POV +

So I guess I'm in Busan. After Jun texting me saying that I should go to Busan with them. I decided to go.

Like Jun said I waited for him outside of the bus station I was playing some music until someone pulled out one of my ear buds

"Welcome to Busan" I turned and saw a Jun

"Yay I'm in Busan" I said ever so enthusiastically

He shook his head and grabbed my bag and started walking. I have to say Busan is pretty nice

"Are you hungry?" I nodded and he called a cab and took us to the nearest fast food place

"Now you sit here and I'll order" I obeyed and sat down at one of the booths

I looked out at the street and saw the cars passed by my phone beeped with a message

From Mingyu oppa
Are you in Busan?

To Mingyu oppa
Yup. Jun is actually ordering me some food right now

From Mingyu oppa
Alright I'll see you later

Before I could respond a new message came

From +1-xxx-xxx-xxx
The clock is ticking. Enjoy it while it last

"I'm back!" I quickly turned off my phone and placed it in my pocket

Jun placed down a tray of jjangmyeon and some spicy rice cakes. I grabbed a pair of chopsticks and started eating

"Are you waiting for your food?" I asked he shook his head and took out his phone

"I already ate before I picked you up" I nodded and continued eating

He started giggling then I looked at him

"Wae?" He showed me his phone and it was a picture of me with one of the Snow filters

"Have you been doing that the whole time I was eating?" He nodded and I shook my head

After cleaning up my mess we went back to the hotel where the guys are staying at

"So I'm guessing I'm sharing a room with Mingyu" I said while going inside the elevator

"Correction your sharing a room with Mingyu and Wonwoo"

Ah so Wonwoo is also rooming with us..dang it I wanted to pull a prank on Mingyu

"Wanna hang out in my room for the meantime? The others texted saying they went out" he asked

I nodded and followed him into his room when we opened the door the tv was on

"Ah hyung your back!" Dino said while laying on his bed

"Your rooming with Dino?" He nodded and I placed my stuff on the chair

The three of us decided to watch a movie to kill some time. Through out Karate Kid my phone started ringing

"Ah I'll be back guys" they nodded and I went outside the room

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