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+third pov+

It's been a couple of months since JongMin became one of Seventeen's managers

Carats already knew JongMin due the vapp she appeared in a long time ago and ever since she came out saying that she was EXO's Kai little sister and Mingyu's cousin

So once they heard that she was working with Seventeen, Carats were excited but as we all know there's going to be the negative fans

At first it was hard for JongMin and Jun since they would have to cut down on the skinship in front of the fans

Or without them knowing they would just play around with each other which made the fans starting to like the boys interacting with JongMin

But that all changed when one fan asked a question during one of the fansigns

"Seventeen oppa, is there any of you who like JongMin? As in like I want her to be my girlfriend" the innocent fan asked and most of the carats at the fansign were at the edge of their seat waiting for them to answer

"First our question to all you guys is: which member do you think is best fit for JongMin?" S.Coups asked then the fans started yelling random names

"Wonwoo! Joshua! The8! Jun! Woozi!" Everyone yelled each members names especially Mingyu's which was weird

"Aniyo I only see JongMin as a noona so I'm eliminated" Seungkwan said then Vernon and Dino nodded in agreement

"First of all who yelled my name?? That's just weird!" Mingyu commented which made the fans laugh

Meanwhile backstage JongMin was watching all the mayhem going down and her heart was beating fast since she was scared that they'll finally announce her and Jun's relationship

"Yah calm down I heard more Jun's in the crowd" the main manager said while patting JongMin's back

She just breathed in and out and waited for what's going to happen next

"Our second question: will you all be okay if one of dates JongMin?" This time Hoshi asked while Jun was hoping to get the answer he wants

"Your happiness is our happiness! So if one of you are dating JongMin we hope the best!" One Carat yelled which made Jun have the biggest smile his face but quickly hid it and looked at he closes member which was Wonwoo

"Looks like you can tell them" Wonwoo whispered to Jun

"Ayy! The suspense is killing me! Are one of you really dating JongMin!!??" One fan said which made the others fans laugh and agree with them

Jun quietly left the group without getting noticed and went backstage to find JongMin who was hiding behind the other staff

"Yah come here" the mangers moved away and JongMin glared at them

Before she could say anything Jun grabbed her wrist and pulled her out to the stage

Jun and Wonwoo made eye contact then Wonwoo grabbed the mic from Dino's hands

"Alright since your all anxious we'll show you who's dating Jongmin" four members ran back stage and found Jun and JongMin

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