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"They broke into our home! Accused you two for something you didn't do, now you're just telling me to let it be?" Jessica yelled as soon she got home from her 'business trip'

Apparently the driver snitched to Jessica that JongIn and the other came into to the house looking for Minhui and her brother. Even though he didn't even show himself to them.

"Mom, it's fine at least we all know that we had nothing to do with their disappearance" Kevin replied while Jessica shook her and walked around "Kevin, tell me truthfully, what is really going on between you and Minhui?" She asked

I took a look at Kevin and he began to sigh while looking at the driver. "I'm on her side. What you're planning on her family isn't right. My 'plan' that I told you about, yeah, that's just to protect her from whatever you're planning. There I said it." Kevin said and I could see the anger growing in Jessica's eyes.

"You're friends with the enemy?! How could you? Don't you want vengeance for your father?!" Jessica yelled then Kevin's eyes began to have a red tint to them. His vampire side is taking over. Quickly I went over to him and calmed him down like I used to do when he was little.

"Calm don't want to hurt anybody"  I whispered then he slowly went back to his normal state. If Jessica doesn't stop I don't think I can control him anymore.

"Father? That's hilarious, you mean the guy who left us and didn't love us? Sure you can call that guy my father. To me he isn't and I don't want any part of your guys incapability to get over Minhui's family" Kevin responded back suddenly Jessica threw the nearest object which happened to be the vase while using her telekineses

"From now on you're not allowed to carry out your stupid mission with Minhui. You will not leave this house ever! If you can't end Minhui then I will." I stared at her at disbelief. Don't get me wrong she's my sister and everything but this is going way too far "Jessica, just stop all of this. Alright? It's useless" her attention averted to me then she came towards me

"Why? Krystal don't tell me you're against me. May I remember you that YOU almost died because of JongIn!" While using her vampire strength she pushed me back causing me to hit the wall. Quickly my vampire instincts kicked in and I began to fight back. I haven't fought in years which made Jessica have the upper hand.

"ENOUGH!" Kevin suddenly yelled with a strong force sending both me and Jessica flying and smashing against the walls. Slowly getting up I saw Kevin's eyes fully turn red and his black inked tattoos came out

"Kevin calm down, it's me auntie Krystal" I said and slowly went towards him. His attention went to me and he quickly went back to his senses.

"Auntie Krystal..I'm-Im Sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you.." I just nodded then Jessica got up and marched towards Kevin giving him a death glare immediately I stood in front of Kevin blocking him away from her.

"Out of my way Krystal!" I shook my head and I felt Kevin softly push me away. 'Trust me' he mouthed and I nodded.

Both mother and son can't face to face and I got ready to fight back just incase those two get physical.

"Don't you even dare try to hurt Minhui" Kevin said and Jessica just placed a smirk on her face and walked closer to Kevin. "What're you gonna do about? Huh? Fight your own mother?" She said

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