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I'm guessing this will be me and Minhui's meeting place. This cafe will have a special meaning then.

"Yo, sorry I'm late! It's hard getting past my uncles" I took a look and saw Minhui panting while holding her jacket

"No no it's fine. Have a seat" she smiled and took a seat across from me

As usual I ordered us some food since it's gonna take a while to explain my plan and plus maybe this will be a good time to know her more and probably for her to know me

"You know Kevin, you're really different from everyone. I never knew that having friends like you would make me feel better."

Why is my heart beating fast? How do I stop it? Oh help.

"To be honest you're the first friend I ever had...I don't leave my house often" she nodded then I took out the folder that was explaining my plan

She took the folder and opened it to read the papers. Whilst she was reading I saw the look on her face change then she looked up at me

"You're family is planning to do this to me? And my family?" Sadly I nodded then she took another look at the files

"Minhui, I can promise you that if we work together I can help you and your family stay away from any harm"

"Kevin, can I really trust you? My family is at risk here and I don't want them to be hurt especially my dad and brothers. They're all I have" without hesitation I grabbed her hand and held it tight

"You can trust me. I won't let any of you get hurt" she nodded and I let go of her hand

The both of us continued to eat the food I ordered, while I was eating I payed attention to Minhui she really doesn't deserve this hatred

Suddenly when she made eye contact with me her eyes went soft like she's sad or something

"Kevin can I tell you something?" I looked at her and nodded

"I...I think my mom is still alive." She started to explain to me why  as she explained I kept nodding my head while listening to every word

"Like how would the person to be able to get hold of those swords? Especially when they belonged to my uncle and my mom" she does have a point there

"Can I tell you something?" She nodded and I took a deep breath

"I think your mom is alive too. Yesterday when I was walking home there was voice that told me that if I hurt you she'll hurt me. It was a feminine voice, she addressed you as her daughter"  her eyes went wide then she nodded while sighing

I didn't want to talk about her mother since it looks like she really has it rough

"Hey, let's go walk around a bit. You know freshen your mind?" She nodded and I went over to pay for the food

Once we both left we began to walk around the place and entered a few stores

As we entered multiple shops the owners and workers kept thinking that me and Minhui were a couple

"How many people was that now? Five?" Minhui laughed and I couldn't help but smile

Cold as ice on the outside, but warm and soft in the inside

Don't fall for her Kevin, she's just your ally and a mission. Once you save her and her family you'll never have to see her

"Earth to Kevin, are you okay?" I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded

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