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Kagami was sitting in the bakery with Kuroko, looking through a catalog of wedding cakes. Kuroko spoke as he flipped through the pages, "I'm counting on your culinary knowledge to help pick out a good cake, Kagami-kun."

"I don't understand why Akashi isn't here to help, don't you both want to plan the wedding?" It had already been a week since Kuroko told him and Aomine about the upcoming wedding.

"He's planning other parts of the wedding. He said I could get any cake I wanted no matter the price."

"Good thing he doesn't mind, a nice cake has got to be more expensive given the rush." Kagami leaned in closer, speaking so only Kuroko could hear, "I've been wanting to ask you, why are you guys rushing the wedding? I mean, you just got engaged..."

"Actually, there is a reason." Kuroko looked down at the floor in front of them, resting his hand over his stomach. "I wasn't going to tell anyone yet, so please be discreet, Kagami-kun."

"What is it?" Kagami nudged Kuroko. Now he just had to know what the mystery was about.

"Seijurou and I..." Kuroko took a deep breath, looking back at Kagami as he said, "We're expecting..."

Kagami's eyes widened. For a minute, all he could do was stare at Kuroko. "E-expecting?" He tried to keep from yelling in surprise, but he wasn't sure he was succeeding. "You're going to have a baby?!"

"Kagami-kun, please." Kuroko shifted his gaze around the bakery to make sure no one else had heard.

Kagami did his best to speak more quietly, "I had no idea you had the omni trait..."

Kuroko avoided Kagami's gaze by looking back through the catalog. "I wasn't certain either. So this... was rather a surprise for both of us. I'm not worried though, I know Seijurou will take care of us."

"Damn, Kuroko, you're cute," Kagami said with a smile, gently elbowing Kuroko's side. "You're already talking about you and your baby. I'm glad for you, Kuroko."

"Thank you, Kagami-kun." Kuroko smiled back at Kagami.

[AN: I hope you liked this little update! I think I know what I want to do with this story a little better and I'll endeavor to keep the storyline going and not bog it down with too many AoKaga love scenes (although, is there such a thing as too many? 😅) but what did you think of Kuroko's reason? I hope you continue to read this even if it isn't your cup of tea 😢 and it's not exactly an omegaverse story, I think those are a default explanation for alternative reproductive systems, but I always like to try something new and do it my way, so it's like there's a special trait or gene that has the ability to change someone's reproductive role? I'm still working out the details, but please bear with me!]

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