Leather Jacket

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It's been so long since I last made a new imagine omg so here I am!!! hope you guys enjoy!
Hannah. Hannah Smith was my name. But, a lot of people preferred to call me L since that was my middle name. I had arrived at the compound a short time ago, when I was seeking shelter for my little brother Marcus & I. Marcus was only 11 & I didn't want what little childhood he had left to be full of shooting guns & gut cutting knives. We walked for what seemed to be a century before the tall, gray building came into view.

"Marcus!! I think we just found a place to stay." I said in an exciting tone. My hand went through his hair, messing it up like a basic older sister.

We did an excited jog but was immediately prevented from entering due to the tall gate. As I gazed around at any possible entrance, I noticed there was a barbed wire fence that wrapped around the whole area which kept it secure from the outside world.

"How are we supposed to get in there?" Marcus asked, as if reading my thoughts.

I tried to think of ways we could get over the fence but there was no way we'd get over it without losing a limb or breaking something. As that conclusion came to my mind, I heard a voice call out nearby from inside the fence.

"Who are you two & what do you want?" The voice asked, it was a deep sharp tone. I could tell it definitely came from a man.

It definitely intimidated me. "We just need shelter" I explained.

As I said those words, the gate opened slowly as we cautiously walked in. The gate slammed behind us, causing us both to jump. The sound of gravel crunching beneath someone's feet caused me to look around with a confused expression on my face.

"Hello darlin & little man." The man giggled as he looked at me then to my little brother. "I'm Negan. The leader of this whole area."

I made eye contact with him, immediately feeling weird in my stomach. I don't know if it was from butterflies or the fact my last meal was a tiny cherry picked from a tree 3 days ago...I came to a conclusion it was most likely both.

"Could you possibly help us? We really are in need of a place to stay...maybe a permanent thing? I understand if you can't take us both but Marcus here...I just want him to be safe" I explained, hoping it would be enough to convince Negan to allow us to stay.

He grinned. "Marcus is the young fella's name? Good to know, I didn't wanna have to call him little man the whole time...but what may your name be?"

"Hannah" I answered, trying so hard to not blush at the sight of him smiling at me.

Negan stepped a little bit closer. "Hannah? That's a beautiful name for a beautiful girl."

Yep, there it goes. My face was getting bright pink. "Thank you." I said, smiling real big.

"No problem princess...but back to the important matter here. You guys may stay but I'm going to need you to work Hannah. Prepare food for my guests & clean. Marcus over here can be an assistant to Simon, the gentleman working at the ammo station." He explained, going over what we would need to agree to do in order to have a place to stay.

I nodded my head. This was the most responsibility I had in years, I don't even remember the last time I cooked or clean. Marcus never had much responsibility so this made me nervous but I had hope he knew how to handle it.

"Negan, sir?" Marcus said, trying to sound respectful to the tall intimidating man standing in front of him.

Negan looked over. "Yes, little man?"

"What does working in the ammo station mean? Like what will I have to do?" He asked, wanting to make sure that if he was going to do a job he did it right.

Negan explained to him what the job would like as we stood & listened, the only sound was his voice & the wind blowing through the trees. We walked into the sanctuary, a man named Lucas was guiding us to where we would be staying. It was a medium sized room & a giant bed. We both plopped on it as we were exhausted & needed some sleep, as soon we closed our eyes the whole world seemed to just go away.

So, that's basically the story of how we first got here. Marcus & I have so far successfully done our jobs & although it's been 3 weeks, I can say I'm already extremely exhausted. I wasn't used to having an actual job since the last one I had was when I was 16...I was 21 now & as a 21 year old, I didn't know how to handle exhaustion...that's what the apocalypse will do to you. It makes you forget life things & it honestly sucks. As time passed, I noticed myself growing more & more in love with Negan. Everything about him was just so....perfect. That's another thing the apocalypse made me forget: being in love. I missed this feeling, it felt great. I couldn't tell if he felt the same way due to him treating every girl the same. He didn't treat me differently & I came to the conclusion that he was a naturally flirty person...it was just his personality. I stopped my thoughts as I went right back to work, the dishes has piled up over the last few days. I began scrubbing each one with water & soap...even the smell of soap was weird to me now. There was so much I had to get used to having again. It was just me in the room as the sound of water overpowered any possible other noise. I was so focused on what I was doing that when I turned to see Negan himself standing in the doorway I jumped, almost dropping a glass plate.

"Startled you, doll?" He asked, trying to not laugh.

"A little...so what's up?" I asked. Knowing there was obviously a reason of him being here.

Negan smiled. "I want you to shower & come to my room at 7:30. I want to talk to you about something." He walked right out the door as I stood there, trying to hold my excitement.

It was about 6:30 when I got to my room, Marcus sat at the edge of the bed folding clothes. It was clear to me that he was bored out of his mind.

"Hey so..." I started to say to him as I went over to the drawer, sorting through clothes I could wear to look somewhat presentable for Negan. "you're gonna be alone here this evening."

I felt his eyes quickly shift to me. "What? Why?" He asked, almost panicking.

I went over to him & put my hand on his shoulder. "Marcus, calm down. It's going to be fine. You won't get hurt I promise. just heat up some dinner & be in bed by 9, okay!"

Marcus calmed down as he nodded his head. "Okay, Hannah...but where are you going?"

"Oh um...I think Negan wants to discuss something about my job. I'm unsure." I explained as I pulled my hair back into a nice ponytail.

He sighed as he picked up the book he was reading & continued. I could tell he was upset with me. He was probably just scared to be alone, I threw on the nice looking clothes & decided that maybe Negan wouldn't mind me being there early. As I excited the brown, basic looking door, I went down the hallway & turned right. Negan's door had a bat painted onto it, representing the bat he always carried around. I knocked as I heard rustling from the inside before the knob turned, door opening to represent the man himself greeting me with a smile.

"you're early." He said, seemingly pleased.

I smiled as well. "Yes, I hope it's not a problem.

"Of course not darlin, come in." He said moving out of the way so I could come through.

I entered through the door as he shut it behind me, I looked around as his room reminded me of a stay at a fancy resort. It was much fancier then mine.

"Like what you see? The room I mean, not me....although I'm sure you do like what you see when it comes to me." He chuckled as he went over pouring me & himself some wine.

I was confused. "I didn't mistake you to be a wine sort of guy, you seem like you'd drink budlight beer."

He laughed as he turned around to face me, handing me the wine. "Bud light is fucking nasty."

"Agreed" I spilled my wine as I sat down on the bed, hoping he didn't mind. But, him sitting next to me let me know he didn't.

SUCH AN ABRUPT ENDING IM SORRY but if you guys enjoy this one enough i'll probably make a part two!! let me know what'chu think & ignore any typos that are most likely made in this

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