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I was sitting in the kitchen at the sanctuary doing my normal job which were basic house chores, doing the dishes, mopping, etc. This job wasn't the best job but it wasn't the worst either. The best thing about it was getting to see Negan everyday. Now, I know what you're thinking. That I'm a whore or crazy considering the things Negan has done. But I can't control my feelings. He often walks into where I & multiple others are  working & sees how we're doing our job. As he observes everything, he always looks at me & smiles. It was hard to tell if it was just a smile of approval or a smile of him flirting with me, the second option seems highly unlikely. He & I barely talk & when we do it's studdering & making a fool out of myself, there is no way he even remotely likes me. The feel of my feet getting soaked due to the sink overflowing from the water running interrupts my thoughts as I frantically grab paper towels & do my best to clean it up, as I run I slip on water & fall on my face. As I look up, I see Negan standing in the doorway.

"Goddamn, Sierra. You take your job seriously." He says as he observes how wet I am from falling into the water.

"Of course I-I- I do" There I go studdering again.

"That's a good thing, oh I have something I've been meaning to tell you." Negan says as he steps closer to me being cautious of the water that's covering the floor.

Something to tell me? What could he possibly have to tell me? It's probably a list of chores, it usually is.

"I like you... a lot. I want you to be my wife." He says as he smiles real big. My eyes widen realizing what he just said. Negan? The Negan...likes me?

"Omg I would love to" I say enthusiastically but as I realize how...overly excited I sounded, I tone it down a bit "I mean I guess that's cool" I say in a 'I'm so cool' tone.

"Lets get you washed up"

I try to stand up but up falling down again, he sees me struggling & holds his hand out waiting for me to take it. I grab onto it & he helps me up as he walks me to this room.

As we arrive to his room, I see all of his wives there. The room is really big with a bunch of beds that I'm assuming belong to his wives.

"So, all of your wives & you sleep in the same room?" I ask whispering.

"Yeah, it makes it easier for when we want to have a double threesome" Negan whispers back as he laughs.

"What the hell is a double threesome?" I ask in a confused way.

"Well it's 6 people having...." I cut him off.

"Yeah yeah, I get it now" I say with a slight chuckle.

Negan clears his throat getting the attention of his wives, he waits for the room to go silent before speaking.

"Ladies, this is Sierra. She is my new wife & I expect you to treat her with respect." He says holding his finger up. He always spoke using his hands. He was that kind of guy.

They all say hello to me not looking happy that I'm there but I can't blame them. I give a weak smile not looking any of them in the eye. Negan leans over to me.

"It takes awhile for them to get used to new people, don't worry they'll love you" He whispers obviously noticing that I'm feeling unwanted there.

Negan's raspy voice whispering in my ear gives me butterflies, I don't know where they came from but honestly, anything Negan does is able to make any girl get butterflies. It was so weird how he's sweet towards women & lets them get away with things but doesn't let any men get away with anything especially Rick & his group.

"Okay, ladies I have a trip to Alexandria so behave while I'm gone" He announces, sounding like a dad.

"Oh, can I come?" I ask turning around to face him.

"I don't fucking care." He says as picks Lucille up.

I walk out with him & we head off to Alexandria, I sit in the back seat with Negan as Simon & Dwight are in the front with Simon driving. I look out the window & feel a hand touch my leg, I look over & see that it's Negan. He's staring at me, admiring me.

"What?" I ask laughing.

"You're just so cute, I'm so in love with you." He says with a cheesy smile which makes me have a cheesy smile.

I lean in & kiss him, our lips collide together. The moment being as perfect as I always dreamed of it being. As we pulled away, Negan was looking at me in awe.

"Damn, that was...a great kiss & I've had a lot of kisses but...that was special" He says smiling, he sure smiled a lot around me. I smile as that thought reaches my mind.

As we arrive to Alexandria, Negan & I jump out of the truck as we walk towards the gate. Rosita pulls it open with anger, she never really liked Negan.

We walk in & I notice that Negan changed from when we were in the truck to now. He went from being a lovey dovey gentlemen to a complete asshole.

I watch as Negan talks to Rick, I know what he's saying isn't pleasant just by Rick's facial expressions. I walk over to them to see what's going on.

"Sierra, Rick & I are trying to have a private conversation." Negan says holding his finger up as he usually does.

"Does it look I give a fuck?" I say. "I love you but can't you just give Rick & his group a goddamn break? I know there is a sweet side of you deep down in you. So stop trying to act like you're this rude asshole just to make yourself seem tough because I know that you aren't rude or a monster." As I say this, Negan looks at me in awe as I can tell nobody was ever brave enough to say any of this to him.

"You better be glad that Sierra's here or someone would have gotten Lucille because of this." Negan says to Rick as he points to Lucille. I smile to myself knowing that I saved a life.

"We're done here!" Negan yells as he & I walk to the truck we came here in.

For 20 minutes of the trip back, he doesn't say a word to me. He doesn't put his hand on my leg, he doesn't even make a sound or movement towards me. He just looks out the window.

"Look, I get what I said at Alexandria upset you but you can't deny that it's true." I finally say.

Negan looks at me & a tear begins to fall off his cheek. He moves closer to me & puts his head on my shoulder. And here the butterflies come once again & they don't leave for the entire ride back.

This story was kind of cute but it wasn't my best work! I'm really trying to improve on my writing so let me know what you think.

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