Special Treatment

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I sat in the circle of my group, all of our eyes stuck on the dead bodies of Glenn & Abraham. Sasha & Maggie's loud sobs filled the room as I kept my eyes glued to my knees. My blood was boiling with anger as I could hear the gravel crunching beneath Negan's feet, I wanted him dead. He was a monster. My eyes move to Carl who was keeping his cool as he had a blank expression on his face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Now I fucking told y'all no exceptions, didn't I? So you have yourselves to blame for #2" Every word he spoke my blood go hot as I filled with more anger.

"Asshole." I mumble in a barely audible tone.

Negan heard me though as his eyes moved to me, my blood started going cold. "I'm sorry, sweetheart what'd you say? You're gonna have to speak up."

"I said you're an asshole." I growled at him as I glared at him giving him the dirtiest look I've ever given anyone.

"Oh wow, you're a feisty one. I bet your feisty in bed as well." He smirks as he bends down getting eye level with me.

What a perv. "You're pathetic."

"Wow, you just give no fucks." Negan smiles in an admirable way, I could tell he admired the fact I didn't care.

"Just stop, don't make things worse." Carl whispers to me as Negan walks away.

I give him a look that is telling him, it's going to be okay. It goes silent for a few moment, the only sound that could be heard was gravel as Negan walks. The silence was almost peaceful, it was settling my nerves.

"Well, I'm going to take that pretty little lady over there back home with me." Negan points to me as my eyes go wide. "What's your name?"

"As if I'm going to tell you." I practically yell as I roll my eyes.

"Doll, you're coming back with me so you're going to have to learn to get along with me." He chuckles as I bite my lip trying to not say anything I'll regret. "So what is your name?" He asks in a more stern tone.

"Y/N" I tell him locking eyes with him, a weird sensation of butterflies fill my stomach as he smiles real big at the sound of my name.

"That is a beautiful fucking name." He looks over at one of his men, Dwight as he clenches Lucille tighter. "Get Y/N in the van & be gentle!"

Dwight comes over & gently helps me up as I stumble towards the white beat up van. He helps me get in there as I sit on the chair that is across from a table & another chair. He shuts the door leaving me in darkness with the only light being from the moon. I stare at the moon as I get lost in my thoughts like why was he taking me home with him? My thoughts get interrupted at the van door swings open with Negan standing in the doorway with his beloved Lucille. I slightly chuckled when he told us that he named his bat. He shut the door & got into the driver seat & he started up the loud engine, he begins to drive as the engine roars gaining power as we go faster.

"Doll, you don't have to be scared of me." He said breaking the silence.

"I'm not. I'm not scared of you in the slightest." I exclaim as I can tell he knows I'm lying.

He chuckles. "You aren't a very good liar."

"I know." I say quietly as we are in silence once again. "Where are we going?" I ask as I stand up walking towards the front of the van where Negan is positioned.

"I'm testing you." Is all he says as we come to a holt.

Zombies bang on the van as my eyes go wide, we just parked in the middle of a herd. I pray that this isn't apart of the test.

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