Apart Of The Saviors

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I walked around with the 50 other men that were apart of the very known group called 'the saviors'. Negan had given us a task to go get him shit, we were all eager to complete the task not wanting to make the easy-angered leader upset. A convenience store came into clear food as we all began a fast walk, wanting to gather everything we could find in the abandoned store. I walked into the store first, keeping my eye out for any walkers that could be hiding in the store somewhere. I begin raiding the shelves full of things that I know we are lacking at the sanctuary. A pack of condoms comes into view as I chuckle to myself thinking about how funny it would be if I got these for Negan, with all of his wives he surely needs them. I throw the pack into my bag along with many other things before walking around, exploring & also looking for things for myself. A bag of Doritos is laying on the second shelf as I skip over to them excitedly, I hadn't seen Doritos since pre-apocalypse. I lick my lips as I throw the bag into my separate bag, apart from the one that contains stuff for the sanctuary. Suddenly, Simon calls for us to get back into the trucks & begin our trip back to the sanctuary. Negan was a very impatient guy. He wanted tasks done fast & we had already spent 20 minutes so we knew he was probably getting impatient already. We all file into the trucks & begin heading home.

The sanctuary comes into view after 20 minutes of being in the cramped truck. I run over to the door that leads to the hallway where Negan's room is. I go to his room & knock on the door, he opens it as I observe his messy hair & the large eye bags beneath his eyes.

"Hello, Doll." He says in a quiet voice as he yawns.

A feeling of regret hits me as I observe that this probably isn't the best time to bother him. "I know this isn't a great time but I got you something at the convenience store." I pull out the pack of condoms & hand them to him chuckling.

He looks up at me & smiles. "Wow, these will come in handy." He winks sending a chill down my spine.

"Well, I'm going to let you get rest. You need it." I walk off with a smile on my face, replaying everything he said to me.

-the next day-
My feet hit the cold floor as I groan reading the clock as it says '6:30 am'. I rub my fingers through my hair as I get out of bed picking out an outfit for the day, I get interrupted as a I hear a knock at my door. A confused expression rises on my face as it wasn't even 7 yet, who would be knocking? I look through the peep hole & see Negan standing there ready for the day with his usual outfit (including his leather jacket of course) and he is carrying Lucille. I open the door not even thinking about how bad I look.

"Hello, darling." He smiles as he walks in & sits on the chair across the room from my bed.

"Goodmorning, you're an early bird today." I make him some coffee as I know he's a coffee type of guy.

"Being an early bird is worth it when it comes to you." He stands up walking over to me where I am making the coffee. "Lets put those condoms you bought me to good use." He whispers in my ear as his arms are wrapped around my waist.

"Um." I say studdering & getting out of his grip. "Here's your coffee" I hand him the cup as he takes it & begins to drink it as if the previous moment is nonexistent.

He walks out without saying a word to me as I rub my fingers through my hair. I had totally just swerved him, he probably hates me now. But I just couldn't do that with him....he has a lot of wives & I'm the jealous type. Plus, I don't want to mix work with love since I'm apart of the saviors. I begin to clean my room as I normally clean to get my mind off things. My thoughts & cleaning get interrupted as I hear a knock on my door. Whoever it is seems eager for me to open the door so I quickly make my way over to the door & see Dwight standing there as I open it.

"Negan is pissed off, what happened?" Dwight asks as he observes my sweat covered face & my soaked clothes.

I roll my eyes. "He's mad cause I wouldn't fuck him."

Dwight sighs as if he's used to this. "That makes sense, he's pretty angry if he doesn't get what he wants."

"He can get over it." I groan as I almost shut the door on Dwight.

"Will you try to talk to him?" He quietly asks, knowing what my answer will be.

I sarcastically laugh. "As if I would ever talk to him after what happened."

Dwight just sighs as he walks down the long dark hallway & turns the corner, leaving my sight. I feel my blood boiling as I slam the door behind me exiting my room. I make my way towards Negan's room stomping & making loud noises with every step I make, my stomps rattling the floor beneath me. A red door comes into my sight telling me that I arrived at my destination. You could easily tell which room was Negan's, he had a red door when everyone else had a grey one. I banged on the door 20 times growing more angry / annoyed with every knock, making every knock louder & with more force.

"Are you kidding me?" I yell as he opens the door, I observe his unbrushed hair & his undressed body. All he had on was his underwear.

"What's wrong, Doll?" He asks innocently pretending like he has no idea why I'm mad.

"You're an asshole! That's what's wrong & don't call me doll." A growl exits my lips as I breath heavily, exhausted from yelling.

He stands there not saying a word for a few moments. "Darling, I'm sorry."

I look up kind of surprised he actually apologized & it sounded genuine. "How do I know that you're being genuine?"

"Will this help you figure that out?" He asks as his lips touch mine & I smile through every part of it.
I'm so sorry for the lack of posts! But I've just been slacking lately. All of my favorite writers haven't been posting so I've been distant from wattpad lol but hope you guys enjoyed this somewhat different part.

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