The Nerd

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I loved books, one thing I loved about the sanctuary was I got provided with a lot of books since it had a library that anyone was allowed to visit. A lot of people here (especially the men) talked shit about me & said I was an unattractive nerd. But I took pride in being a nerd because it just meant I was smart. Nobody calls the dumb kid in school a nerd, right? Exactly! One thing that almost always seemed to interrupt me from reading was the leader here, negan. I had the biggest crush on him & I usually never developed crushes but he always made me feel tingly inside whenever we'd have a small interaction. By interaction, I mean him saying hello & me studdering & struggling to even say as simple as "hi" back. He probably thought I was weird just like everybody here. As I read a chapter of Sherlock homes, I look up from the library chair I was at & see negan sitting at a table looking pretty stressed. A confused look grew as he never came here to just sit, he was always busy & he wasn't the type to just sit down & read a book for fun like I was. A little ounce of confidence told me I should go over & start a conversation. Maybe I should ask if he's okay since he looks pretty stressed. I put the book down & walk over growing more nervous with each step.

"Um....hey." I say as his chocolate brown eyes look up at me.

"Well hello." He says smiling, his smile causing me to blush.

"Are you okay?" I finally say. "You seem pretty stressed over here."

The smile on his face grows even bigger, he seems pretty that someone cared to ask. "I'm alright, I'm just really fucking struggling to come up with a plan."

I sit down right across from him. "A plan?" He nods his head. "For what?" I ask.

"I want to go to war with a man named Rick Grimes' group but I just don't know how we're going to accomplish that." As he speaks, I admire the fact he used 'accomplish' instead of just the boring word 'do'.

I smile at the fact he has a good vocabulary. "Why is a war needed with that group?"

"You're the only person that actually gives a shit about this." He chuckles. "Well, he's causing problems. He tried to blow my main boy Dwight & I up the other day."

My eyes go wide. "That's...definitely not good."

He chuckles once again. "No, sweetheart. Not in the slightest."

Sweetheart that echoes in my mind. Did he really just call me that? My confidence grows even bigger, a sense of hope that he likes me forms.

"If you want, I can help you plan it out? I'm not sure how good I'll be with it because I don't just sit around planning how to go to war." I laugh at my own joke as he laughs too. We were actually having a real conversation & I was surprised at how easy he was to talk to.

"I'm more independent so I'm going to decline your offer but thank you, I appreciate it." He picks up his pencil & begins drawing a map.

I analyze the map, inferring what it's for. "Wait is that map so you can set up men at different areas, kind of like traps? So when the group comes through, they'll be assassinated?"

He looks up surprised. "Yeah, actually that's exactly what it is. Although, I've never really described it as an assassination."

"Well, I'll leave you to it." I finally say getting up as I start to walk away with a giant smile on my face.

"Oh, I didn't catch your name?" I turn around as he's sitting there smiling.

"It's Y/N." I turn around trying to hide my blushing.

An hour goes by,I finish reading my book,I start to walk over to the exit door so I can make my way to my room. I go into my room & see a letter on the bed. It said "from negan" with a heart on the front. Excitement filled me as I couldn't contain myself, ripping open the envelope eager to see what he had wrote for me.

Dear Y/N,
It isn't like me to write a girl a letter, this ain't high school & with today's world I don't really do that sappy shit anymore. But I enjoyed our conversation tonight & I would love to take you out to dinner. My room is number 65, all the way at the end of the hallway below yours. Please meet me there at 7:00 tonight.


My face hurts from smiling as I set the letter down on my dresser, I look over at the clock which reads '6:00 pm'. I had an hour to get ready. For the most part, I kept it natural. I didn't really wear makeup unless I felt like it was needed. Tonight, it was definitely needed. I go over to my closest & find a dress covered in roses that a girl named Rose had made for me here at the sanctuary. It was perfect for tonight as I admired what it looked like on me in the mirror. I also observe my hair, it was the knottiest it had ever been. A level of embarrassment hits me knowing it looked like this when I was speaking to him earlier. I run a brush through it until every knot was gone. As I go over to the small makeup products I had, I spent 20 minutes doing my makeup. After I was done, I sprayed some perfume on & admired how I looked. I smile as I looked somewhat decent. As I look over to the clock, I see it says "6:30". I decided it'd be good to go to his room early so I reread where his room is. Special number 65. I make my way to the hallway below mine as I go past all of the doors until the number 65 comes into sight. I take a deep breath before knocking, I am greeted by negan looking fancy with a suit on making him look like a groom at a wedding.

"You look amazing." His raspy voice fills my ears as I smile.

I reply back, "you too" not believing that this is actually happening.

He raises an eyebrow. "I see you looking at me, this is just dinner. If you're trying to fuck then....well that's next time darlin." He chuckles as I do too.

I was still a virgin, I didn't want him to know that. The way he spoke like that showed he had countless times before.

"Well, come on in." He finally says as I walk into his large luxury room.

In the middle of it was a table with plates of food I didn't even know still existed in today's world. A vase of roses was in the middle as I realize they look the exact same as the ones on my dress.

"This is a beautiful set up, Negan." I gaze around as I hadn't seen something like this in years.

He smiles as he walks over & pulls out a chair for me, I go over & sit down placing a napkin on my lap. It would be terrible if I got stains all over this dress.

He picks up his silverware, "lets eat." He says digging into his food.

I laugh as he shoves giant bites of food down his throats clearly hungry. "Dang, seems like you were starving?"

Negan looks up at me with a giant mouth of food, "I was" he says in between bites making me laugh even more.

After dinner, we lay on his bed staring up at the ceiling. We don't say much for awhile before I finally break the silence.

"Can I tell you something? But you have to promise you won't judge." I say quickly adding the last part.

He looks over at me, "go ahead, darlin"

I take a deep breath before finally saying, "I'm still a virgin."

Negan grips my hand, "why did you hesitate to tell me? That's fine, nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm such an expert so I'll do good enough for the both of us." He smirks.

We lock eyes as our lips touch, my fingers tangled in his hair as his arms are wrapped around my waist.

"Are you ready, bookworm?" He asks slightly laughing.

"Yes." I whisper in his ear as things get crazy.
I don't like writing smut which is why I didn't get into detail on what they did but you guys know what went down hehe. Hope you enjoyed this imagine. Thank you for your support on these even though most of them suck haha. But like I said, thank you!

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