Getting Saved

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It had been a week since I had started living at the sanctuary, so far things were going pretty good & Negan was treating me like a princess. He obviously has a crush on me even Dwight knows. I wanted Negan so bad but I just couldn't be with someone that has 8 other wives especially since I'm the jealous type. I was walking to grab some fruit that I knew Negan had specifically picked out for me. I took the fruit to my room & devoured it faster then I ever could. As I looked up, I see Negan standing in my door away with Lucille accompanying him as usual.

"Goddamn, you eat fast." He says as he chuckles.

"And Goddamn, you're a stalker" I say chuckling as well.

"Well I just can't help staring at that gorgeous little face of yours." I look down not wanting him to see my blushing cheeks.

"Negan, we have a situation." I hear Dwight call.

"Oh shit, what's going on now?" Negan says as he runs off with Lucille swung around his shoulder.

I decided to follow him & see what's going on. I stand with Negan's other wives who didn't like me because they knew about his little crush on me. I see Louis standing in the center looking panicked knowing what was about to happen. Louis was a very sweet guy, he had showed me around on my first day here. A sense of nervousness draped over me as I had an idea on what was about to happen.

"Louis, I don't want to have to do this. I really don't." Negan says as I notice he clenches Lucille tighter with every word he speaks. "But, you can't just sleep with one of my wives & get away with it."

As, that last sentence is spoke I look over at Negan's wives who all are expressionless except for Amber who's loud sobs filled the room.

"P-P-Please Sir, D-D-Don't hurt me." Louis says as tears begin to roll down his cheeks. "I-I-I'm sorry."

"You know what I've learned ever since this world got shitty?" A few moments of silence goes by. "That sorry doesn't fix everything" Negan brings Lucille to Louis's head as he falls to the ground.

Blood begins to pour out, a lot of it as everyone could see he had put all of his energy into that one hit. I bit my lip trying to hold back tears. I really liked Negan but with moments like this, I felt a sense of hatred towards him.

"Can someone come clean this shit up?" Negan yelled in an annoyed tone as he gestured towards Louis's lifeless body.

Negan looked over to me realizing that I had saw what he had done. For just one moment I saw a sense of guilt & regret in his eyes as he looked over to me. But it was immediately replaced with disappointment as he had always instructed me to not follow him when stuff like this was going down. I walk to my room as my face is drenched from my tears & sweat, I swing open the door & slam it shut making a loud sound that rings throughout the entire building. I dramatically flopped onto my bed & began crying. Why did he have to do stuff like that? And why did I have to be so in love with him? I hate myself so much for even slightly feeling something like love toward someone that kills someone & doesn't even think twice. I hear a knock on my door as I weakly say "come in".

Negan walks over with Lucille cleaned up, no blood covering the barbed wire or the bottom of the bat. He sits her down on a share & comes to sit by me.

"Look, I'm so sorry. But I had to." Negan says as I hear his voice crack.

"No, Negan. Stop fucking say that as an excuse. You didn't have to do shit. Louis didn't deserve that! You know on my first day here, every guy including you just stared at my ass & treated me like a sex prop! But not Louis. He was my only friend that didn't make sexual remarks about me or body." I say as tears start to fall. "And you just killed him. You fucking murdered him." I start sobbing for the second time that day.

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