Scavenging Mishap (Part 2)

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"Dwighty boy, bring me a map." I kick my legs back trying to relax.

He wanders over with a folded up map, he unfolds it spreading it out on the table. "Here you go, sir."

I grin at him as I scan over the map realizing that it's completely useless. I crumble it up to a ball before tossing it into the trash can. "Those men that took my girl will so regret crossing me when I find them."

"I don't doubt it, Negan." Dwight says before leaving the room.

I wander around the place with my hands still tied but my legs free to walk, one of the men who never really spoke showed me around trying to get me familiar of my surroundings. The man seemed somewhat friendly which was comforting in a strange way. After about an hour of walking, I grew tired. The sun has began to set, the sky being a pink / orange color.

"Do I have a room where I'll be staying for the time being?" I ask yawning as my arms stretch out.

He nods his head yes, walking me down more long hallways causing my exhaustion level to rise. "Here you go, mam." He opens the door, the door making a loud creaking noise.

I walk in as the room is a basic hotel looking room, a medium sized bed in the middle of the room with a desk by the door & a little nightstand which had a digital clock & a lamp on it was placed by the bed, A closet was by the desk & the door that I assumed lead to a bathroom was separated from all the furniture.

"Thank you." I say giving the man a friendly smile. "What's your name?"

He gives a friendly smile back telling me that his name is Jake before disappearing down the hallway. I shut the door, being sure to lock it before spreading out on the bed not even bothering to take my clothes off. Sleeping in jeans wasn't the ideal thing but to me, any kind of sleep was good enough. I close my eyes, dreaming of negan as I fall into a deep peaceful sleep.

I wake up, looking over at the digital clock to see what time it was. The clock read "7:35 am." as I groan pulling myself out of bed. I figured the main leader would want me up early to discuss this deal, I still didn't know his name either. I wander out of my room looking for a guard to lead me to the leader's room. I finally see Jake with a shotgun, ready to open fire if needed.

"Jake, hey!" I say as he casts me a smile. "Where's the leader's room? We have something to discuss."

He raises his eyebrow before leading me farther down the hallway we were already on before stopping at a room that read "room 201". I cast him a smile as a way to say thank you before barging in, not even bothering to knock. He basically kidnapped me, he didn't deserve my manners. The man is sitting at his desk as if he's been waiting for me.

"So glad you're here to discuss my deal for your fearless leader." He sits up from his chair gesturing for me to sit at the chair right across from him.

I hesitate before slowly sitting down on the silk chair. "What's the deal? Say it right now, get right to the point. I'm so eager to leave already."

He grins. "Well, the deal....may not involve you leaving permanently."

My eyes go wide. "What?! But I thought the entire point of negan going with your deal was so he could have me back, so I could go back home."

He grins even wider. "At first it was but I realized just by looking at you that you have potential to be a good fighter, my place here & my group here could use someone like you. But my deal does involve you getting to visit your group once every week, nothing more nothing less. Now should we get down to business?"

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