Love Affair (Part 2)

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So, I am really happy to say that you guys seem to enjoy 'Love Affair' & really wanted a part 2! I decided to make a part 2 for many reasons, the main one being that you guys really wanted one & the other being I would love to see where this story goes. But anyways hope you guys enjoy the part 2!
After, I get done crying I wander over to the bathroom to wash up. My eyes were so puffy & my face was wet from all of my tears. I couldn't believe I was crying over him, I can't believe that he's going to be a a baby that isn't mine. It was wrong for me to expect a future with him but I couldn't help think about him & I having a child together. The sound of loud knocks fill my ears as I walk over to my door confused on who would be knocking at this early in the morning. As I open the door, I see Laura standing there smiling.

"Goodnorning!" She cheerfully says with a big smile on her face. "I have some fresh fruit for you."

I confusingly take the basket of the fruit & put it on my dresser. "Thank you but what's this for exactly?" Laura & I barely ever spoke so I wasn't sure why she had specifically brought me fruit.

"I'm just feeling nice today. Today couldn't be any better. I've given almost everyone here fresh fruit." She gives me a wide genuine smile.

I know why today is the best day for her, she's having a baby with the love of her life. It almost made me feel hurt on the inside thinking about the fact that she was so excited for her baby when her baby's dad had cheated on her...with me.

"Well, thank you so much." I say as she smiles once again & walks down the corridor going towards Negan's room. I shut the door & blink back tears.

My handgun comes into view as I look over at my closest. It was the handgun Negan had given to me when I needed more practice with my aim. He had taught me so much in the second week of me being at the sanctuary. I grab the gun & put my boots on & storm out of the front door of the sanctuary. The cool air hits my cheeks as I was happy to be outside. I go to the targets covered in bullet holes & fill my gun with ammo. As I stand up & get ready to shoot at the first target, I feel a presence come up behind me getting so close that I feel his belt on my lower back.

"Hello, sweetheart." His raspy voice fills my ears as I rapidly turn around to face him.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask stuffing my handgun into the ammo belt I had made myself.

"You." Is all he says. That made me mad, he needs to grow up.

"Negan, you can't have me! You just can't. I wish we could be together more then anything. But you have a wife & you're going to soon have a kid. And-" He puts his finger on my lip, preventing me from talking any longer.

"I divorced her for you." He hesitates as he takes his finger away from my lips.

My eyes go wide. "W-W-What?"

He motions for me to sit by him at the table. He puts his hand on mine & looks me in the eyes. "I wasn't happy with her & I know it's terrible to divorce her right after I found out about the baby but I don't wanna be miserable. Without you, I'm miserable."

It was so shocking to see this side of him, I could tell he was being genuine because this side of Negan usually was never unleashed. I had gotten so use to the 'bash everyone's brains' side of him that I hadn't even imagined he had this side. My thoughts get interrupted as he links his lips with mine, I don't reject him, I kiss back as I ravel my fingers through his hair. We immediately pull away once we hear footsteps, it was Dwight. He was asking Negan when was the next time they'd go for a drive. He answered unable to stop grinning from what just happened, I noticed I was grinning as well.

"I've never seen you so happy." Dwight chuckles as he sits at the table we were at.

"Me neither." I feel my face hurt from smiling so much.

Dwight raises his eyebrow at me suspecting something but simply getting up & walking away. As he is out of sight, I immediately start kissing Negan again with more lust this time.

"Alright, I have to get to work." He pulls away with his hands on my hips.

"Let me guess, your work is bashing in someone's brains?" I chuckle as I gesture to Lucille who is placed on the center of the table.

"Actually not today, darlin." He gets up with Lucille by his side as he walks away leaving me smiling like an idiot.
I feel like this part was short but I hope you guys liked it. The ending has my heart melting omg! but please let me know what you think by commenting. If you have any ideas on what I could do for future imagines, comment! I hope you guys enjoyed this.

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