The Upgrade

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I sat on the cold floor of the cell that I was put in thinking about everything I've gone through. Memories, bad and good ones, come to my mind making me smile but frown at the same time. The sound of my stomach growling interrupted me from my thoughts.

"I haven't eaten in awhile. These assholes locked me up in this goddamn cell & can't bother to feed me?!" I say loudly to myself.

Suddenly, the cell door opens casting a bright light that blinds me. After my eyes adjust to the light from being in the dark cell for days, I see Negan leaning against the door frame with a plate of fruit.

"Hello, my darling." Negan smiles as he hits the plate of food down next to me.

"Your darling? You wish" I start to eat some of the grapes that were on the plate.

"Oh, you're a feisty one." He bends down, getting eye level with me. He has brown eyes that I find myself getting lost in.

"Can I get out of this fucking cell? It's cold & I haven't gotten barely any sleep." I devour half of my food as I lean my head against the cold wall.

"Actually, I thought about upgrading you." Negan smiles as he sits down next to me, sitting Lucille on his lap.

"Wait, Seriously?!" I smile & feel happiness for the first time in weeks.

"I think you have potential to be something great, people with potential don't belong in a cold uncomfortable cell with goddamn roaches. Those motherfuckers are annoying as shit" He laughs causing his chest to vibrate. I notice myself slightly laughing too.

"Oh trust me, someone that has had them crawling on me knows." I laugh making him smile. For a second, I feel...different about Negan.

For a second, I don't see him as a hateful monster that killed my friends. I see him as a...handsome & funny human being. He sits there playing with his fingers in silence for a few moments & I do as well.

"Well, what's my upgrade?" I ask eager to get out of this cold & moldy cell.

Negan chuckles. "It's my room."

"Wait, what?" I say confused.

"Your upgrade is my room." He finally says.

"You're fucking kidding me right?"

"Be grateful that you're getting out of this cell" Negan stands up & balances Lucille on his shoulder.

"I am but...will we have to sleep in the same bed?" I ask in a tone that shows I'm praying that the answer is no.

"Unless you want to sleep on the floor." He chuckles.

The floor it is I think as he walks out shutting the door putting me in complete & udder darkness,once again.

After a few hours, Negan has Dwight & Simon who are his top guys escort me out of the cell & to Negan's room. I notice how big the sanctuary is after we've been walking for what seems like forever. I've never walked through this many hallways. Finally, we get to a room with a giant glass door. It looked like it belonged to royalty & I guess around here, Negan is royalty. They open the door gesturing for me to go in. I walk in cautiously as Negan gets up from the red couch he was sitting on to greet me. He gestures for Simon & Dwight to leave. After they leave, I walk over to a giant bed that anyone just by looking at it could tell it belonged to Negan. As I sat down, I realized how soft this bed is & I rest my head down, letting my legs dangle off the end. It had been so long since I had been on an actual bed, I was enjoying the moment when all of a sudden I felt the mattress sink as Negan layed next to me.

"I just realized that I don't know your name." Negan says with a slight chuckle.

"Oh you're right. It's Hannah." I say after clearing my throat.

"Beautiful name!" I can see through the corner of my eye that he's smiling real big.

I notice that when he's around me he seems genuinely happy which puts a smile on my face too.

"So, I have a question for you." I finally say after moments of awkward silence.

"Yes, sweetheart?" Negan says making me think of my dad who talked just like that towards me.

"Why did you kill my friends that night? I totally understand that us killing your men was wrong but what we did was to protect ourselves, we didn't know you or the saviors. We were just-" Negan cuts me off by putting his finger to my mouth, my lips feeling the cold leather glove he always wore.

"Don't try to justify what you & your group did. You killed my men so that calls for punishment." He stands up taking his leather jacket & red scarf off throwing them on a chair along with Lucille.

Negan goes to a set of cabinets that I didn't even notice were there until he starts opening them, inside were bottles of all types of wine & beer. I see a bottle of apple cinnamon wine, it's my favorite.

"Oh my god, you have apple cinnamon vine?" I ask in excitement.

"Yes, I'm guessing by your tone of voice you want some?" Negan smirks as he shows me the bottle.

I nod my head yes excitedly as he goes over to other cabinets that have silverware, plates, and cups. He pulls out a giant wine glass & pours the apple cinnamon, filling the cup to the top. He walks over to me & hands me the cup as I take it & immediately finish it, not leaving a sip left.

"Holy shit, is Apple Cinnamon wine your favorite" Negan says as he goes over & pours him vodka into the same sized glass as he gave me.

"Yes, I used to drink it every....well everyday." I say feeling guilty. I hadn't really told anyone that before the apocalypse, I was a major alcoholic.

The room goes silent, Negan puts his cup down on the table & walks over to me, sitting next to me on his bed I'm sitting on.

"Were you an alcoholic?" He asks with sympathy in his voice. He was really close to my face, our noses just inches away from touching. In that moment, I don't know why but I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to feel his lips against mine.

"Yeah...I was." I look down at my fingers trying not to make eye contact with him.

"Hannah" Negan lifts my head up causing him to look me in the eye. "My wife died due to being an alcoholic". My eyes widened.

For the first time, I could see Negan genuinely sad as he was trying to hold back tears.

"You can cry in front of me. You don't always have to be the 'badass, never cry. I bash in people's brains with a baseball bat' Negan." He looks at me smiling a genuine smile. This smile was different from the smile he gets when killing people, it was an actual happy smile.

"Hannah, I love you." Negan finally says as he begins to lean in, I do nothing to stop him as I lean in to0.

Our lips finally touch as we start going into full makeout mode. I rub my fingers through his hair as I let his tongue slide into my mouth. He begins to unbutton my shorts.

-1 hour later-

I slept with as Rick described him, 'the monster'. I looked over at Negan who was sound asleep, snoring loudly. I had too many things on my mind. I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing. I had enjoyed it, he was...good at it. He obviously has done it multiple times before. Considering, he has wives (notice how I said plural as in more then one?) so of course he would know what he's doing. He rolls over & rests his head on my back, I smile as I feel him nestle his head on my back, trying to get comfortable. After a few moments of endless thinking, I finally drift off into sleep.
I am actually proud of this one! Let me know what you guys think :) also, I am probably going to make more imagines that are like this one where I make up a girl character & have her & Negan interact. Let me know what u guys think!

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