Fallin In Love With The Enemy

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Okay, I can sense the confusion already lol. I know I stated awhile back that the negan imagines were coming to an end & I would no longer be adding to this. But, people are still adding this to their libraries & viewing this specific collection of mini stories. We are up to 9k reads which is absolutely mind blowing to me that so many people read my work? So, without further or do: let's get onto continuing these imagines! hope ya enjoy.
I kept a gun pointed to the petite weak looking male as he sat, shivering with terror. The apples the man had tried to steal scattered around him, all bruised from how hard he dropped them when frightened.

"God, I swear I will put this bullet right through your stupid ass brain." I shoved the gun roughly to his forehead, almost knocking him over. He yelped.

His voice was shaky. "P-P-Please d-don't." He pleaded with me.

I laughed. "Please? The thing is...this isn't asking for some food on your plate at the dinner table. Please is no longer the magic word." I pulled the trigger as the bullet went right through his head, he fell over. Blood pouring out of his skull.

Whistling came behind me as the leader of the sanctuary himself came to admire my work. The thing is, I hated Negan. He drove me insane & would constantly treat me like a child despite only being 5 years younger then him.

"Damn, Courtney. That was some...badass shit." Negan swung his well known bat, Lucille over his shoulder as he kneeled down cautious to not put his feet in the blood covering all around the once living person but now lifeless corpse.

I rolled my eyes. "It's whatever."

Negan looked up at me, annoyance filled his eyes. "Got a problem with me doll? Every time we talk, you always got some shit to say or you speak in a rude ass immature tone with me. Let's not forget how you roll those precious blue eyes every time I walk into the room." He stood up & got real close to my face. "Did you fucking forget how you're breathing in the first place? Your ass was stranded in the streets. You had a broken leg & could barely walk without limping so much or falling over. My group & I saved you. We could've left your sorry ass as walker bait." Negan stopped to laugh. "But, the funny thing is darlin: here you are. You're clean, have a full stomach, and most importantly: you're fucking breathing. So, before you want to give me the eye rolls don't forget I'm the reason you even still have eyes to roll." He then put his mouth by my ear. "Continue to roll those eyes & you won't have them." He then walked away leaving me there, thinking a lot.

Negan did have a point, I had to admit that. I couldn't even walk let alone survive on my own. Killing zombies was a struggle....or walkers. Whatever the hell people call them. I would've been digested in a walker's stomach by now if it wasn't for him saving me. But, at the same time living here sometimes makes me wish I never got saved. That sounds ungrateful, sure. There are people out there living in the woods, no water or food. Mud covering their clothes so much, their clothes are just brown now. Here I am. No single inch of dirt on my body or clothes. I smell of fresh lavender soap. A baloney sandwich in my stomach. I really shouldn't complain, right? But the thing is: I can't help but find myself insanely depressed here. Nobody has ever once told me they're proud of me for what I contribute to this place. I do so much & nobody really notices. The only time I ever get noticed is when someone's blood is covering the floor due to a bullet from the gun I shot. My thoughts raced as complaining immediately left, being replaced by confusion. I noticed how I got butterflies when he got that close to my face, when his voice was so close to my ear it sent shivers down my spine. I had never once felt that way to him before. Then again, he had never gotten that close to me before. What was I feeling? I immediately sighed as I put my gun in the gun belt I made awhile back & walked around to spectate the area. Part of my job was to keep things in tact, keep things stable and make sure no dangers or threats got past the tall walls of the building. Things were pretty quiet around here since the sun was beginning to set & everyone was going to their rooms to go to bed. I found myself heading towards the roof, just needed time to think. As I got up there, I stopped quickly as the man himself was already sitting here staring up at the now orange & pink sky. He quickly turned his head around.

"Oh, hey...what are you doing up here?" I asked, confused on why he was just sitting on the roof.

He sighed. "Just thinking...." he paused before gesturing for me to sit by him. "What are you doing up here?"

I sat down by him as I crossed my hands in my lap. "No reason...just wanted to stare at the sky." I lied. I was overwhelmed & depressed. I so desperately wanted to spit those words out.

It was quiet for a moment before he spoke. "I just want to let you know I apologize if I came off harsh to you a little bit ago. But, you need to understand that there are a lot of reasons you should be grateful for me. You wouldnt-"

I quickly cut him off. "I know, I know. I wouldn't be here without you. I would be walker bait as you like to say."

He nodded his head as he laughed. "Yes, exactly. I appreciate what you do around here though."

My heart fluttered at his words. "You do?"

Negan looked at me like he was confused as to why I was doubting this. "Of course, this place wouldn't be running without you."

A giant smile spread across my face. "Thank you, Negan."

He returned the smile as we both directed our gaze back into the sky. Stars were starting to come out & it was just the two of us. Looking at the stars. I couldn't help but want to kiss him. How could my feelings to him change so fast? I hated him when I woke up this morning. But, now I was going to go to sleep tonight wanting him there with me as I fell asleep. He put his hand on mine as I looked down before looking back at him. It was almost like Negan could read my thoughts because he immediately collided his lips onto mine as I didn't stop him & ran my fingers through his hair. It was a really great moment until a sound got us off guard.

"What the hell was that?" I stand up, pulling my gun out as I looked off into the distance. The dark sky making it difficult to make out anything coming.

Negan stood up with me, clenching Lucille. "It may of just been a walker?"

I took a deep breath. "Most likely, I- I don't know why I got so tense."

He stared at me with concern. "That was weird. Well, I'm going to go to bed. goodnight doll."

"Goodnight. Wait Negan?" I asked making him turn around. He met my eyes. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

Negan smiled, giving me a tired look. "Yes, darlin"

We walked back to his room as I looked forward to being in his bed. Damn, how feelings can change so fast. This is a phase though....right?
Alright, this was kind of bad but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyways! let me know what ya think

negan imagines - the walking dead Where stories live. Discover now