Beaten & Bruised

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I sit in a chair reading a book that Negan let me borrow. The silence was peaceful as his other wives were off doing their own thing, I was thankful about that because being around them was hell. Bruises covered my body from when they would beat me, Amber even put me in a coma once. But Doctor Carlson helped me recover, sometimes things get so bad that I wish I would've never recovered. The sound of the chatty wives fills my ears as I grip my book tight knowing one of them would take it out of my hands & throw it in the firepit, Negan would use Lucille on me if this book got returned to him in bad shape.

"Oh look, it's the ugly slut." Josie, one of the wives, says causing the other girls to laugh. I keep my eyes down not wanting to give them any of my attention.

"The ugly slut doesn't know how to talk, apparently." Amber says crossing her arms. I blink back tears & bite my lip so hard that it drawls blood.

Josie marches over getting close to my face, "Speak when you're spoken to, slut!"

I look up tired of her & the other wives' shit. "Leave me the fuck alone, don't you have lives?"

Amber comes over ready to swing her fist when all of a sudden a raspy voice yells "what's going on here?", it was Negan.

"Um...n-n-nothing babe." Josie studders as she quickly walks away from me with the other wives.

Negan sees me blinking back tears. "Are you okay?" He asks sounding awfully concerned.

"I'm fine." I say with a spice of attitude. "Here's your book." I slap it in his hands as I storm off to my room.

I got mad at Negan when he asked me if I was okay, he clearly knew that his wives weren't up to no good but said nothing. I knew he had noticed all of the bruises covering my body, if he truly cared about me then he would've asked where they came from. Everything in me wants to have a serious relationship with him, I even expressed this to him hinting that he should get rid of his wives but he was drunk that night & probably doesn't even remember me ever telling him that. My thoughts get interrupted as I hear a knock on my door, I rush over being sure to look through the peep hole to see who it is. Negan stood there with Lucille swung around his shoulder, I opened the door as he walked right in with no invitation.

"Darlin, what went down just a few minutes ago?" He asks laying Lucille on the swivel chair at the opposite side of the room as he walks over to the bed & sits on it, patting a spot next to him gesturing for me to sit by him.

"It's nothing important." I mumble as I keep my eyes on my lap.

"Bullshit, we both know that's bullshit. I've seen the bruises, the cuts but I just didn't ask because of those were self inflicted, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." Negan sighs as he puts his hand on mine.

I look up at him making eye contact. "They came from....your wives." I gulp afraid of the outcome from me telling him that.

He looks taken back by what I just said as he walks over to Lucille, he swings her over his shoulder clenching her tight. "I'll be back." is all he says before slamming the door.

I sit there for quite a long time before he comes bursting through the door, blood dripping from the barbed wired bat as he goes over to the sink & runs water over her, attempting to get the blood off.

"W-W-What'd you do?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"I took care of them for can't get hurt now." Is all he says as he wipes Lucille off with a towel.

He killed them for me. "You killed them?"

Negan looks over to me like I'm an idiot for even asking that question. "Nope, Lucille's just covered in fucking blood randomly." He replies sarcastically.

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