That Jerk (Part 2)

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So, I wrote part 1 of this & it got super long so I'm going to continue it here. I hope you guys enjoy this & if you haven't read the other part of this, this won't make any sense to you so read that part & then come back to this! Hope you enjoy!
As the sanctuary becomes more closer, my nerves start to build up. I take a deep breath & let Rosita take control. She takes me to a place that has cob webs everywhere but has a perfect view of where she says Negan usually comes out.

"This is where Sasha & I were last time, it's a good spot as long as Eugene isn't blocking him." Rosita rolls her eyes as she says Eugene.

"I can't believe he converted from our group to Negan's. I thought he was better then that." I load my hand guns up with bullets as Rosita does the same.

Rosita points her rifle out the window aiming towards the front door. We wait for awhile but nothing. I gesture for her & I to change spots so she hands me the rifle & I do the same as her. We do even more waiting & still nothing. Suddenly, Negan walks out with a group of saviors following behind him. I have a perfect view of him & can easily shoot him as he is standing still. The gun pointed right at his head. I put my hand closer to the trigger but something stops me.

"What are you doing? Shoot him!" Rosita looks annoyed but confused at the same time.

Rosita tries to push me out the way as her hands goes towards the trigger, she pushes it & it lets out a loud boom as the bullet goes. We look at each other with wide eyes as we hear Negan yell something but we can't understand what he yells. We just know that we're caught. Rosita & I stand there in fear not knowing what to do. No matter what, we're over. As Rosita & I attempt to run out & get out of there, we bump into two saviors that grab onto us & have us in a tight grip. We try to fight back but fail. They bring us to a dark cell & throw us in there not even trying to be gentle. The door gets slammed as we get plunged into total darkness. I start to cry not trying to be loud about it. It was embarrassing crying especially in front of Rosita. Her & I weren't all that close. A moment of silence goes by as we just sit there not saying a word. We're both in shock at what just happened. Suddenly, the door opens as Negan is standing there in the door frame with Lucille accompanying him.

"Ahh, you guys have big ass lady nuts on you. You really do!" Negan bends down getting eye level with Rosita & I.

"Suck my lady nuts." Rosita growls at him. She just doesn't care.

"Wow that is the best sentence ever." Negan chuckles as he looks over to me.

"You're the quiet & feisty one, my favorite." I'm not facing Negan but in the corner of my eye, I can see him smiling.

I keep my eyes down. I hated myself for this, if he bashes Rosita's brains it's my fault. Everything was always my fault.

"Joey, get these two fierce ladies some water." Negan turns to the savior standing in the hallway.

Negan walks out with Lucille swung around his shoulder as he shuts the door leaving us in darkness again.

One of the saviors come in with two water bottles. Rosita & I were thirsty but we just took the water bottles & didn't take a sip for awhile. She hadn't said much to me, she's probably mad that I got her into this mess.

"Rosita?" My voice comes out shaky.

"What?" She sounds annoyed, I knew she was mad at me.

"I'm sorry." My voice cracks as I feel tears form causing my vision to be blurry.

"It's fine. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at that asshole Negan." As she says 'Negan' her voice gets angrier showing just how much she truly hates him.

Minutes go by with silence once again. I twiddle with my thumbs as Rosita taps her foot. I brainstorm plans on how to escape but my mind goes blank. There is no way to escape, it's practically impossible. The door opening & a light shining in interrupts my thoughts. My eyes squint at the sight of light for the first time in hours.

"Hello, sweethearts. Congratulations! You're about to get a goddamn upgrade. I don't do this much but I like you. You're fierce & have potential. You have potential to be one of my saviors." Negan smiles as if what he just said is supposed to make us jump up & down with joy.

Rosita steps close to his face, for a second I can almost see Negan get intimidated. She had that effect. "We will never be one of you." She says that with all the anger in the world.

"Slow your roll, princess. I'll be more then happy to leave you in this cold & dark cell with no water or food. So, if you want this upgrade then show some fucking respect." Negan sighs as I see Rosita feeling quite defeated.

Negan takes Rosita & i to a room. It's decent sized but the bed takes up half the room, without the bed this room would be huge. Rosita & I sit down, we sink into the comfy mattress. We hear the door shut as Negan leaves. Rosita & I look at each other & just smile.
This story is officially finished! It was a long one but I hope you guys enjoyed. Hopefully my next imagine will be as good as this one.

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