Troubled Love

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The talk of Negan planning a war begins more frequent as the days go on. I had tried to ask him about it but he wouldn't give me any detail. "Doll, it's business...personal business." would be his response every time. He didn't want me to know details considering I was once living at Alexandria, the community he wanted to go to war with. He didn't want me mad at him for it so he wouldn't say much. But it infuriated me how he thought it'd be better to just keep this secret from me. It was one sunny day as I went out to the gardening center where Negan was screaming at some lady for doing something wrong. She was close to tears & she clenched her gardening tools with every word he spoke. I couldn't just witness this & not help so I stormed right over there & got in between them so my back was facing the lady with my eyes looking dead into Negan's.

"Chill the fuck out." I tell Negan as the lady basically runs away.

"Doll, did I ask you to interfere?" He asks out of breath from yelling so much.

"You're such an asshole, she was doing her job & you made it so much harder for her." I go to speak more but he puts his finger to my lips.

"Let me handle the way I want to handle things, just cause we fucked that one time doesn't mean you have control over me." He leans Lucille on his shoulder & walks alway leaving me breathless.

I go to my room & slam my door shut in an annoyed way. He always made me so miserable but I still loved him anyway, I'm so stupid. As I flop onto my bed with my eyes closed, a knock hits my ears as I sigh walking over to the door. I open the door & see Negan standing there leaning on the doorway. I roll my eyes & walk back to my bed as he walks in.

"Looks like someone's got an attitude." He says as he puts Lucille on a chair & sits down next to me on my bed.

"Hmm, wonder who caused that?" I sarcastically say making it obvious that he's the reason why.

"Are you talking about earlier in the garden? Get the fuck over it, you're the one that interfered." My blood boils as he knows I hate when he tells me to 'get the fuck over it' when I'm mad.

"It's not about the lady, Negan." I quietly say as I feel tears form, my vision being blocked from the wetness forming under my eyes.

"Then what is this about?" He basically yells not even trying to be soft spoken.

"What you said after...about us." I wipe my tears away hoping he doesn't notice as I get a tissue to blow my nose.

I notice that Negan is thinking real hard about what he could've possibly said. "What did I say?"

I look up at him not believing that he's acting clueless. "'Just because we fucked that one time doesn't mean you have trouble over me'...that's what you said"

He slightly chuckles. "That's what you're getting your panties in a twist about?"

"Yes, it's almost like you don't take our relationship seriously. You just see me as 'that girl you fucked that one time'" My tears go away as the sadness gets replaced with anger.

"It's not even that serious." Is all he says as he's clearly not bothered by any of this.

"For you! You don't care about anything, you don't care about me. You just care about what girl you're gonna screw next. You're an asshole & you make this shitty world even shittier. I fucking hate you." I get out of breath from my yelling as I put my hands on my knees.

Negan stands there, shocked that I just said all of that. For one second, I can almost see regret / sadness in his eyes / facial expression but it's immediately gone when he had an angered look on his face as he grabs Lucille & storms out, slamming the door behind him causing the room to rattle. I hop into bed not even caring that it's the middle of the day & I crawl up under my covers & cry myself into a deep sleep just like I do everyday.

I am awoken by the sound of knocks at my door as I groan.

"Negan, if it's you get the fuck away." I yell rolling back over & closing my eyes again.

"It's Dwight!" Dwight says as I struggle to get out of bed.

I open the door & see him standing there looking like he's gotten impatient with me.

"Just came to see if you were okay, you slept for almost an entire day." He says looking concerned.

"Wait what?" I confusingly ask as I yawn.

"You slept for almost 20 hours." He says walking away.

"Wait" I say as Dwight stops & turns around to face me. "Did Negan ask for you to check up on me?"

"Yeah, he was worried." Dwight says quietly as he walks away & turns the corner.

I stand there in the doorway with a slight expression of confusion planted on my face. If Negan truly cared about me, he would take time to actually come & check up on me himself is what I think as I roll my eyes & shut the door.

"God, help me get out of this troubled love." I mumble as I collapse on my bed & fall asleep once again.
This one sucked but wanted to post something for u guys!!

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