The Meeting

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It was just another day at Alexandria. Rick & Michonne had gone scavenging for the saviors, a group that basically was controlling their lives making them fear everyday. Carl had taken care of Judith & ate spaghetti that Negan had made the previous week. He didn't want to eat something that was made by a killer but spaghetti was his favorite so he couldn't help it. Rick was filing the food onto the shelves, he noticed how empty they were. The saviors had taken 90% of their food. Although, Negan always said that they would only take half, Rick knew they were taking 3/4 of it. He took a deep breath & left the room full of empty shelves. Rick stepped outside closing his eyes letting the chilly air hit his cheeks, it was soothing to him.

"THE SAVIORS ARE HERE" Michonne yells as the trucks full of Negan's men file into Alexandria. Rick's eyes jolt open.
How could they be here already? They shouldn't be here for another 2 days Rick thought. He started walking over to where the trucks had come to a stop, Rick didn't see Negan anywhere but saw Simon who Negan had described as one of his best men.
"Where's Negan?" Rick says as sweat rises on his face. It was a somewhat chilly day but for Rick, being in the presence of the saviors was enough to make him break into a sweat.

"In his room, waiting for you." Simon says walking closer to Rick. "We came here because Negan would like to speak to you, he would like for us to bring you to him which is why he didn't just come here"

Rick stood there not knowing what to think. Why would Negan want to speak to him? It just didn't make sense.

"Why? Why would he want to speak to me?" Rick asks with a bit of confusion in his tone.

"Unsure. it might just be business stuff."

Rick took a few seconds to think about whether he wanted to go. Who knows what the saviors would try to do to Alexandria & the people here while Rick was gone? What if this is just a trap? A million thoughts raced through his mind.

"Well we might want to go now because if not, Negan will get grumpy. He's an impatient man" Simon says with a slight chuckle. "So hop into the white truck that's in the very back. That's where Dennis is, he'll be your guide & sort of tell you things you need to know"

"Dad? What's going on?" Carl asks as he walks up to where Rick stood.

"Um...I'm going to be gone for a little bit. I gotta go with the saviors, Negan wants to speak to me. I don't have time for questions. Watch Judith for me!" Rick jogs to the white truck that Simon had directed for him to go. He hops into the front seat next to a man he assumed was Dennis. The trucks start up with a loud noise almost in perfect unison. They take off.

-an hour later-

The trucks pull into the sanctuary (Negan's place). Rick looked around kind of surprised, it didn't look at all what he expected. He wasn't sure what exactly he expected but he knew what he was seeing wasn't it. The trucks come to a holt near a fence where walkers stood chained to a wall.

"Well...we're here! I'm Dennis by the way. I know Simon somewhat told you about me" Dennis says holding out his hand for Rick to shake.

"I'm Rick...Rick Grimes" Rick shakes Dennis's hand & unbuckles his seatbelt. He hops out of the car eager to get this 'meeting' over with.

Dennis follows Rick & shows him around. He takes him to a door that looks different then the other doors. This door looked almost...fancy. Well, as fancy as a door could be anyway.

"Well...this is Negan's room. He's sitting in there on the couch. Are you ready to go in?" Dennis has his hand on the knob waiting for Rick's response.

"Kind of nervous but I'm ready" Rick takes a deep breath & cracks his knuckles looking like he's preparing for a fight.

Dennis turns the knob & opens the door, the door creaks open. As the door is full opened, Rick can see Negan. He's casually drinking vodka as if the world hasn't gone to shit. As if the world isn't full of flesh eating zombies.

"Well finally! What fucking took you so long?!" Negan says with a bit of annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry, Sir! It won't happen again" Dennis says studdering. It made Rick confused as to why Negan's men stayed with Negan if they were so scared of him.

"You bet it won't or else..punishment. You should know my rules right now unless you're a dumbass & you have short term memory." Negan says then shoots his eyes towards Rick staring him down. Rick suddenly got really nervous but wasn't sure why. "Oh hello there, almost forgot you were there." Negan says laughing lightly. "Now leave Dennis so Rick & I can have a private chat"

Dennis leaves basically running out, Rick wished he could just leave.

"Goddamn when will he learn to shut doors? How goddamn hard is it?" Negan sighed loudly as he shut the luxury door that lead to his room. "So sit Rick, poor yourself a drink. I have some picked out for you. Lets get down to business."

Rick walked over & sat on the couch. He looked at the drinks that Negan had set for him. Rick poured himself a drink of wine, he was never much of a wine fan but it sounded more good then ever. Negan walked over & sat down on the couch that was right across from the one Rick was sitting on. He chugged his wine enjoying every single moment.

"Geez Rick, slow down before you choke" Negan laughs as his sits lucille down right next to him & picks up his drink he was drinking when Rick had first walked in. Rick sat back, for 5 minutes it was total silence. Why did Negan have him here? The waiting made him more anxious / nervous. "You can have more to drink if you want, I have so much beer, vodka,wine,and many more you wouldn't even believe it" Negan pours Rick another drink, he pours it in a big shot glass & offers it to Rick. Rick takes it & drinks it just as fast as he did the last drink.

"Why do you have me here?" Rick says as he finishes his drink & sits it on the glass table that sat between the two couches that Negan & Rick were sitting on.

"Well, we have things to talk about like how you haven't been giving my group the correct amount of supplies." As Negan said that, Rick couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could he say that? He had been taking almost everything they had.

"Bullshit!" Rick yells as he stands up clenching his fists.

"Woah sit down Rick. You don't want to raise your voice with me or make me angry, have you already forgotten?" Negan says as he gestures to Lucille, his bat he had used to beat Glenn & Abraham to death.

Rick sits down & continues to drink. 10
minutes later, his words are slurring.

"Looks like someone's drunk" Negan says chuckling. Rick realized just how much he chuckled.

Rick didn't realize this due to being drunk but he stood up & sat next to Negan on the couch. He pressed his lips against Negan's as he ran his fingers through Negan's hair. Everything else was just a blur & before he knew it, he had woken up in Negan's bed. He saw the sunlight peeking through the curtains, Rick looked down realizing the only clothing he had on was a pair of socks. He looked over & saw Negan snoring & jumped up.

-20 minutes later-
"Oh hello there" Negan says as he yawns & awakens.

Rick was sitting on the edge of Negan's bed trying to remember anything from last night. The most he could remember was him sitting next to Negan on the couch, everything else was a blur.

"I really hate you, I'm going to kill you & I mean that" Rick says as he puts his shoes on.

"Oh come on, don't say that. You can't act like what we did last night never happened" Negan gets up & sits right next to Rick.

"I was drunk" Rick says basically yelling.

"But I wasn't" Negan smiles his normal grin & gets up to shower.

A few hours later, Simon takes Rick home & eventually after taking a few cans of food that they had left, leaves. Rick knew he couldn't tell anyone what happened. He couldn't tell anyone that he had slept with the monster.

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