The Big Change

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It all happened so fast, in the blink of an eye things went to shit. Rick looked around at his group who were filled with fear, what else emotion were they supposed to feel when greeted by a man that was could possibly kill all of them? The man was Negan. He walked around gazing at the fearful group that sat in front of him, for a few seconds the only sound that could be heard was the gravel crunching beneath Negan's feet. It was almost peaceful for the group, just to have silence any silence at all was classified as peaceful in their eyes. Rick was holding back tears as best as he could, he didn't want to show weakness & honestly this wasn't the time to be weak. His group needed him to be strong more then ever.

"I don't know what to do with you people" Negan said finally after had rubbing his temple for a long time trying to brainstorm what he should do with Rick & his group. "Oh wait" He says as he grins real big obviously getting an idea.

Rick looked around, he seemed like his eyes might pop out of his head from looking around so much. But he couldn't help it. He was watching Negan's every move.

"Have you guys heard of the 'eeny meeny miny moe' thing that was really popular back in the olden days?" Negan said in a tone that made him sound almost human, he sounded like he was bringing up old memories as if the group sitting in front of him were his best friends. "Well that's what I do, it'll help me decide who to kill"

That last sentence stung to the group. Rick looked at Carl who was keeping his composure more then Rick was. Sasha's sobs began louder & Maggie's heavily breathing became louder too. The combination of the sounds weren't pleasant.

"Goddamn, y'all are a mess" Negan said as he walked around to Eugene who was the first in line.

Suddenly, Negan began doing eeny meeny miney moe. That song never sounded more scarier then it did in that exact moment. Rick kept his eyes glued to his knees, trying his best to not make eye contact with the monster that was getting closer. Suddenly, Negan stops mid song. He stops in front of Rick. Rick feels his presence stronger then ever.

"It's okay to cry, it's okay to break down. I get that this is scary but you killed a fucking shit ton of my men. I have to give some form of punishment" Negan says as he looks into Rick's eyes.

It was weird how Negan was being...nice to Rick. He didn't understand why Negan was being a monster to everyone else but nice to him.

"W-W-Why..." Rick says stumbling over his words, trembling with fear "Why can't we just talk about it?"

"Oh just like we talked about it when you were killing a fuck load of my men?" Negan says almost yelling with anger. His tone made Rick shake. It frightened him.

Negan continues with the song, everyone he passes breathes in relief. But eventually he stopped. The silence was nerve wracking. Rick looked up to see who was the unlucky person that's life was gonna end today. Negan's bat was pointed at....Glenn. Rick could feel his heart rate speed up, he started breathing heavily.

"IT CAN BE ME!" Rick yells as he stands up. "Don't kill him, kill me."

"Dad, no!" Carl says as his voice cracks as tears start to form.

Rick looked back at Carl, he didn't want his son to grow up in this dangerous messed up world without a dad but he had to. Maggie needed her husband to help her with her baby...their baby.

"Oh, Rick. How sweet of you to try to save your best buddy!" Negan says in a joking tone. "Simon, take Rick to the van. Shut the door & lock it."

Simon walks up in a fast pace & grabs Rick by the collar basically dragging him. He's fighting back but realized that it's no use. Simon doesn't try to be gentle. He threw Rick in causing Rick to hit his nose, blood pours out. The sound of the van door slamming was loud & made Rick jump. He sat on the little table that was there & just thought about life. Rick could hear the sound of the bat smashing something, it was smashing......Glenn. He couldn't see really what was happening due to the windows being tinted. But the sounds that he heard was enough information to tell him what was going on. He broke into a sob, it wasn't a quiet one either. It wasn't inaudible in the slightest. At this point, he didn't care who heard him crying or who saw him being 'weak'.

Eventually, Rick's cries get interrupted by the sound of the van door opening abruptly. He didn't even have to look to know who it was. He heard the door slam shut & the sound of someone walking behind him.

"Hello Prick, this is the start of a new beginning." Negan says as he sits on the opposite side of the table that Rick was positioned.

"I don't get it" Rick said as he looked up starting into Negan's cold icy eyes.

"Don't get what?" Negan looked at Rick in confusion. "I thought I made everything pretty clear"

"I just don't get why you have this make this world more hell for people then it already is. Wouldn't you benefit more if you were....not a monster." After Rick said this, Negan looked at him as if he were stupid for even suggesting that.

"Rick, in the world we live in today being nice either gets you bad luck or even worse...killed" Rick hated the way Negan thought. What kind of logic?

"But there's a difference being being nice & being...careless" He couldn't believe that he was full on having a conversation with a man that just bashed his best friend's brains.

Although, Rick absolutely hated Negan, Negan felt the exact opposite way towards him. He liked him. He admired the way he was willing to sacrifice his own life to try & save one one of his own. But Negan didn't want to show that. He had to stay tough & stern.

"You have be one of my top guys. To be apart of the saviors. You'd be good for the job" Rick looked at Negan like he was crazy for saying that. He didn't want to be apart of any group run by him.

Negan handed Rick an axe, he wasn't sure why he gave it to him. It just made Rick a threat. Negan began to drive. The path they were on was very foggy & the only noise that could be heard was the sound of the engine coming from the van. Eventually, they stopped in the middle of nowhere.

"Now, why do you think I gave you that axe?" Negan asked as he stood up from his seat.

"I....w-w-wasn't sure why" Rick hated how much Negan intimidated him.

"Well, this is kind of like a test. We just stopped in the middle of a herd of zombies. I want you to go out & kill as many as you can without getting killed yourself" Rick thought Negan was crazy for telling him to do that. What crazy maniac was Rick dealing with?

Rick stood up & walked to the door where Negan had already opened it. He about walked out when all of a sudden he felt a push, it was a rough & powerful push. He felt to the ground scraping his knees. He took his most powerful swings with the axe & killed....well he wasn't sure how many because he lost count. Rick eventually ran back to the van & closed the door as fast as possible being sure to lock it. Negan looked at Rick in amazement.

"I...didn't think you had it in you...well considering how much of a pussy you've been, I figured I would've had to save your ass but you handled yourself pretty good." Negan was smiling so big, he liked when people did a good job at things he assigned them to do. But honestly, he just really liked Rick in general.

This was such a weird / bad spot to end & it's a really weird (but honestly cute) ending. I feel like my imagines suck but if you guys like them I will continue. I'm enjoying these imagines because Regan is my favorite ship on the show, it's such a hot ship omg. But I'm gonna shut up now lol. Hope you enjoyed this part of the story!

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