They Find You Seriously Injured

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Joseph Seed-

You had been missing for some time and everyone was worried, Joseph had sent search parties out and went looking for you himself. He was the one that found you and when he saw your injury, he panicked. He drove you home quickly, definitely breaking some road laws, and instantly lay you on the bed. He had a member of his flock help you and once he was satisfied with their work, he dismissed them. He would sit beside you as you recovered, too weak to even move, and prayed for you. Begging God for you to be alright. If he couldn't be by your side he would make sure that Faith was beside you to care for you.

Jacob Seed-

He found you in a forest, it looked like you had been attacked by wolves. He didn't even say anything as he picked you up in his arms and carried you to somewhere safe. He could tell that you were too weak to cry from pain or to even lift your head to look at him. He was more than worried by he knew that he had to remain calm for you sake. He observed as his men patched you up, making sure that they did their best to help you and ended up dismissing them, he finished the job himself. He had people watching you all of the time and they were to update him on any change, however he was usually by you side. Once you felt strong enough to thank him, he just kissed your forehead and said "couldn't loose you now, could I?" You just smiled back and that night he felt that had recovered enough for him to sleep in the bed with you instead of on the chair.

John Seed-

When John found you bleeding out, he freaked out. He made sure to get you the  best medical care that he could get and never left your side. He didn't even leave you to do his work, he just cancelled everything to watch over you. He knew that he was going to have to have a serious conversation with Joseph for slacking on his work but you are much more important to him. He would ask you how you were feeling at least once every hour, offering you get you anything that need or do anything for you. He would freak out over the smallest things, if you winced in pain he would get a doctor to come and check your progress. He was even starting to irritate the doctor with his concerns but you thought it was adorable. John would hold you hand and just talk to you or hours at a time.

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