Our Fate...

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It was time. Time for the few minutes that would decide the Serpents' fate. 

"All right! Let's do this." Tall Boy shouts, clapping his hands together to gather our attention.

I leaned my body against FP's bike that Jughead had claimed. Beside me were Toni, and my Sweet Pea. Dear lord, I've already claimed the boy, well sucks to be him...

We cheered, adrenaline racing through our bodies, waiting for our futures.

"Let's do it! Get these cars up in a row!" Tall Boy yells, exciting everyone yet once again.

"Race over Herk Harvey Bridge to Dead Man's Curve. First one back here wins." I could hear Jughead say to the Ghoulie, shaking hands with the foul beast.

I could see Cheryl disagreeing with Toni on who would let the boys know when to go. I totally ship it...

Once Cheryl had given them the signal, we ran up to the starting line, waiting for their return.

The bridge would be too narrow. Who would go first? They couldn't possibly both be on it. 

The two cars left us in their dust, going as fast as they possibly could. A Ghoulie ran up to everyone reporting back what he saw.

"Everyone scatter! The cops are rounding up Ghoulies!" He shouts, emphasizing everything with his ferocious hand movements.

"You called the cops? You won't throw in with the Ghoulies, but you with cops? Where's the honor in that?" Tall boy yells and scolds Jughead, blowing everybody's ear drums in the process.

"Calm down, Tall Boy. You think I knew Keller would be there?" Jug barks, defending himself. 

"I called Keller," Archie says, holding onto Juggie's shoulder.

Goddammit Archie ruins every single god damn thing!

"What the hell, Archie? Did my dad tell you about this, too?" Jug begins to bicker.

We obviously didn't have the time so why the hell are they doing this now?

"No, this was my idea to get rid of the Ghoulies. It worked. They get arrested for street racing, they're off the chessboard," Archie now in turn to defend.

"For how long? One month? Three months? You know what they'll want on the other side, Archie? Your head on a stake! All of ours!" Jug screeches, furious with the decision Archie had made.

We bundle up onto the bikes back to the trailers to cool down. I just couldn't believe what Archie did. He betrayed the Serpents. He betrayed Jughead. He betrayed me... 


Shortest chapter yet! :( So, if you didn't get it yet, my schedule for updates is gonna be every Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and maybe other times when I'm bored. During those times, I'll do one or two chapters! I really can't believe it's been exactly a week and we already have almost 800 reads! Comment on what you do and don't like!
Word Count: 471

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