Our Very Own Psychopath

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So, this chapter takes place in season 2 ep 4 since that's when Archie met the serpents, Sweets, etc. Whatever, you'll understand more later.


"Everyone's afraid to say it, so let me be the first. There is a serial killer among us. San Francisco had the Zodiac. New Orleans had the Axeman. Texarkana, Texas, had the Phantom Killer. The list goes on and on. Add to their ranks Riverdale's very own psychopath, the Black Hood," I read in my mind with Jughead's ominous voice. I was one of the very few, if not only person to be able to read Jughead's writing.

We were in the library, deciding what books to check out for our ongoing investigation, well him anyways, I was reading his story.

I, (y/n) Andrews, am an outcast. Compared to my football playing brother, I was a mistake. Who am I kidding? I am one.

We walked towards the counter to check out the multiple books.

"Are these research for school?" The librarian who was astonishingly good looking for her age. She had to be around the age range of 49-51. (I did way too much research for that lol)

"Research... -But not for school," I cut him off, staring bullets at her with my onyx eyes. You see, my eyes are different from Archie's or Dad's. In sunlight, my eyes seem a light hazel, walking into a room they become a dark onyx. 

"It's a terrible thing, what's going on in this town." I hate small talk. Who doesn't? I chose to solve her small talk by a marvelous thing called sarcasm.

I can't be surprised by anything in this godforesaken town anymore. I mean for godsakes Jason Blossom was killed by his own god damn father.

"No shi-" my smart remark was stopped by Jughead's large hand covering my mouth, basically my whole face since I was so petite. making me roll my eyes. 

"Who would've thunk it? A serial killer in Riverdale?" Jug continued as if I weren't there.

"I'm not just talking about him.  I'm also talking about that awful video those boy put out." Whatever could she be talking about? 

Oh right, the dumbass video my dumb brother put up with his fellow jocks about the Black Hood. They formed some type of orgy called the blue triangle or somethin'.

Letting the two continue their conversation, I continued reading Jughead's story that I could only dream of writing. 

"There it was. Terror was seeping into the bedrock of Riverdale.. A Town Hall Meeting had been set by Mayor McCoy. People were afraid to walk the streets alone, especially as dusk approached."

I shook my head, "Pussies"

"Shops closed early, locks were added to doors, suspicions between the North and South side deepened, fanned into flames by Alice Cooper.."

Of course it's that old hag. I had my doubts about her here and there. She just seemed so sketchy. Why had she wanted to stir up trouble between the two? She raised such a wonderful girl, Betty, which is surprising based on her two parents. As it just so happened, she's a close friend.

"As everyone wondered what danger lurked in the dark. When would we hear from the Black Hood next, and how far into darkness would Archie go on his quest to avenge his and (y/n)'s father.." What did he mean by that?

~ Time Skip brought to you by Armadillos ~

As Archie and I walked through the large door to our house I could hear dad watching the video Archie was apart of. I held my breath, afraid of what would happen next. 

"So, what did you guys think, that I wouldn't see it?" Who am I kidding it's dad he's a literal build-a-bear along with Archie. They were as scary as a stick, they aren't! 

"Dad, I was pissed off. We were all pretty pissed off. We were trying to send a message, scare the Black Hood." Nice save brother, nice save.

"Obviously father, my stupid twin brother, who by the way just to remind you, he's older so he should take the blame. That was off track let me start again. Archie just feels the need to protect us. Although it was a dumbass move to make this move, he meant well. He just wants this sociopath gone because with him, he can't protect us." I stated boldly.

"(Y/n)'s right dad, with both points even though she insulted me, I'll let it slide. I do take full blame because I had asked the other guys to join me. The few seconds (y/n) was there was because she photobombed and thought we were taking some type of weird picture. Also, I do just want to protect you. I mean a minute later and we could've lost you! I want to protect (y/n) because she's (y/n) I mean just look at her!" That was sly, I won't let this opportunity die.

"Fight me little boy! I can easily take you down!" I shouted at him as he smirked, his figure towering over me. 

"Not the point (y/n). Guys, it's more likely you'll antagonize this maniac and become a target yourselves. Take it down right now, while I can see," He slammed down the poor phone. The screen I thought gloomily. 

"I already did, the original post, but people keep sharing it." 

Of course they did. God Damn get a life assholes. 

"Good grief, Archie," Dad sighed 

I started getting hungrier by the second. I began making a sandwich with two staring at me in disbelief. 

"What? I'm hungry," I said my mouth half full spitting bits and pieces while talking.


Hope you liked it! I wrote this once chapter 3 times since it had deleted again and again -_- Please vote and comment or whatever the hell you want. Tell me what you liked and didn't as well! I can't improve if I don't know what I'm doing wrong!


Word Count: 979

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