Accidental Reflexes

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I sat in Archie's room watching him clean before school started. "You're such an ass, I'm so glad that you can put up with me though."

"Gee, thanks (Y/N)."

Dad walks in.

"Hey, Arch, (Y/N). Did you guys say anything to anybody about my medical bill? 'Cause it's been paid, all $86,000. There was something called an 'angel donation'."

I knew who it was just as easily as anybody else in the room could have, "I didn't say anything to anyone but I know Archie has a special little lady friend rich enough to probably buy all of Riverdale."

"Well, I mean, Veronica, but she wouldn't... Yeah I'll ask her at.."

"I'll get to the bottom of it, you two just focus on school. Hey Arch, haven't seen that guitar for a while."

"Yeah well, I've been busy. But I spent  a lot of break writing songs and I was thinking I would maybe start a band, like the Fred Heads."

"if you're gonna do that, do that in the garage. That's why I soundproofed it for you. Have a good day at school you guys, and (Y/N) I'd like for Sweet Pea to come around more often. Tell him he's welcome anytime."

"Okayyyy Cya. By the way, I"m spending the day with Arch, I'll go back to my school another day.

He rolls his eyes, "Don't cause any trouble and if you do, don't get caught."

"Yessir, I've learned from the best."

I walk out the house with Archie by my side.

"So I know you went through a lot the other night with Betty. We don't have to talk about it too much but if you want, I'm here for you Arch. You're my other half and even though you make me wanna hate your guts, I could never."

Suddenly he stops and pulls me into a hug. I've been hugging people quite often lately. Who knows maybe I'll start to like them *shudder

We continue the path to Riverdale High. I planned to stay in the student lounge for the day. I'll see all the past people I hate, yay. 

I sat on Kevin's lap waiting for him to entertain me. I start to poke at his face which he scrunches his face to.

Suddenly the PA system goes on. "Students of Riverdale High, this is your principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down. And its students will be transferred to other school in the district, including this one. I believe the statement we're releasing... will address your concerns and theirs. You should be receiving it shortly. I'm sure you have many questions. But it goes witout saying, we are welcoming these students wit open minds, hearts and arms. Thank you. That is all."

"Huh, turns out I'm not ditching school, I'm just here early." I say to no one in particular.

"W-wait what does that mean?" Archie confusedly asks

"It means that you're gonna see Jughead and me quite a bit. Oh my god I have to find Sweet Pea and Toni! Later peeps."

I dash out of the lounge desperate to find my friends, aka Jug, Sweets, Toni, and Fangz.

I run back home to get my bike. Dammit I shouldn't have walked to school with Archie. I drive as fast as I can to Southside High. I see Toni and Jug sitting on the front steps just when Fangz and Sweet Pea kick the door open. 


"What's going on?"

"This hellhole is officially closed! We're done! No more Southside High!" I get off the bike to hug Sweets.

My Brother's Enemy// Sweet Pea x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt