Bulldogs, Serpents, and (Y/n).

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"Archie, HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET A GUN?" I started calm and blew my top off.

"Remember when Doiley had a talk with me? That's how..."

"Okay then, how do you know the Black Hood could be a Southsider?"

"(Y/N)! Have you seen his victims?"

"Oh my Lord Archie! That's crazy! If you're saying a Southsider is this 'Hood', you could say that the god damn priest is. He's getting rid of 'sinners', that makes more sense! I get your reasoning behind this but Archie, I just don't get you anymore!" I shed a tear after my last sentence

I ran up to my room, crying. I want to be alone right now. There's no one who I could possibly talk about this with..

They wouldn't understand.

~ Time Skip ~

I decided I didn't want to go to school for the next few days. Once Archie got home, I could hear Dad asking why he had a ski mask.

"The hood's not mine, it's Reggies's. He came by as a joke, wearing it, trying to scare me, dad."

They probably searched his locker or something.

I could hear Archie coming up stairs. He burst into my room, "(Y/n), I need you to get something for me."

"Get it yourself lazy ass."

"(Y/n), that's the thing, I can't,"

"Okay, go ask one of your jocks, oh wait you can't. They left you."

He stares at me.

"Ya know what Archie? Go ask Veronica. I'm sure she'd be happy to get whatever it is. And then after, you can go have sex with her. Isn't that your answer for everything?"

I was refering to the time where dad had got shot. Archie wasn't there for me, instead he was with his girlfriend, having shower sex. By the way, they're so damn loud.

"Fine, whatever."

Later on, I could hear voices of the idiots. Yeah, those idiots.

I walk downstairs to hear them talking about keeping the Blue Triangle on.. With several pizza boxes. I stole one, on my way upstairs to hear Veronica.

"Not a moment too soon. Archie. Trouble."

I rush down to stand next to Archie.

"How stupid are you Northsiders? You really think you can come to my house, stick a gun in my face in front of my boys, and there wouldn't be payback?" The familiar face and voice of the serpent stood in our porch.

Reggie opened the door wider to say, "You have crap timing, bro. Bulldogs eat Serpents for lunch."

"We'll see about that. And the more the merrier."

"Veronica, (y/n), stay here."

"What? Archie, no.." Veronica's voice echoed

"Okay first of all, Arch, you're in no position to decide whatever the hell I do. Second, I'm a level 3 black belt in Taekwondo, so shut the hell up." I stood up to him, nearing only his shoulder.

"Whatever (y/n)."

Tall serpent and Archie begin to argue until Ronnie steps in.

This is gonna be one hell of a stress reliever.

Veronica stayed inside, Bulldogs on one side, Serpents on the other.

I just stood beside Reggie.

"Aw, hell no, I ain't hitting a girl," One of the Serpents comments

"Oh really? Try me bitch!" I flipped him over my back, one foot on his chest.

And that's when it began.

Archie hit their leader, spitting blood once Archie's fist had come in contact with his face.

Then hell began, one serpent for each jock.

The serpent under my foot grabbed my leg and yanked it from underneath me.

The two of us quickly stand up. I was pushed down by the Serpent.

He squat down near me, I stood up and once again kicked the guy's balls to have him fall over. I kick his sides again and again till I'm tired out.

The rain fell even harder at this point.

A gunshot was heard and that was the end of it...

Word Count: 653

My Brother's Enemy// Sweet Pea x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя