Road to Being Penny's Drug-Runner

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I rush Sweet Pea to his bike, holding onto the very same leather that I had on my own back. 

"We have to get there before Jug so it doesn't arise suspicion from Peabody!" I yell over the windy environment around us. 

He nods, going full speed with all the bike had. 

We finally get there, relieved at seeing, or not seeing Jughead there yet.

"We go in, get exactly three booths away from Penny." I command, not waiting for jokes.

We walk in slowly as if everything were normal. Nobody was in the diner but Peabody, Pop, Sweets, and I. 

We walk towards the booth in front of where Peabody would be talking to Jug. 

"Hey there kids, what would you like today?" Pop warmly asks.

"Um, we'll get two milkshakes, two burgers, and a slice of cake. What are you getting Sweets?" I ask seriously.

He chokes on the water he was previously drinking and looks at me. 

"Erm, I'm fine, thank you." He quickly says looking up at Pop

While Pop was in the process of making my food, Jughead scrambled down to the diner. 

I could see the shaggy raven hair sitting across from Penny.

"Sweet Pea, move your big ass head!" I whisper shouted at him to get the perfect shot.

He moves in to be squished by the wall, table, and the booth. 

I could hear exactly what the two were saying which was just perfect.

"I can't do this favor for you, whatever it is. If I have to pay for you helping my dad," Jughead offers

"He needs more help, that's why I called. FP got in a little 'accident', with some Ghoulies in the prison showers the other day."

"Oh, my god." Jughead raises his hands to his face. 

Fp? Was he okay? 

"Listen. He's in the infirmary now."

I could see Jug's shaking hands, worried for his father's health.

"Is he okay?"

"Well, they messed up that pretty face of his."

Okay, we all have to admit FP is good looking alright? He may be the same age as my father but Dayum.

Jughead leans back into the faux leather of the booth. Pop begin holding a tray of the food I ordered and placed them down quietly. 

"Thanks, Pop. You're a life saver!" I declare as he laughs.

"No problem, I haven't seen you in a while so it's on the house, kiddo."

"Thanks!" I proclaim with happiness.

Obviously I wasn't gonna let him do that. I'll probably slip a bill under the plate after I finish the food.

As I begin munching, I notice Sweet Pea looking at my food then to me. "Hungry?" 

"Nevermind, if I give you my food I'll be hungry."

"I'll be back," He states, quickly rushing out of the little corner he was in.

I listen closely back into their conversation. "You'll just pick up a crate on the Southside, deliver it to an address in Greendale. That's it." 

"What's in the crate?"

Probably drugs...

"Let's say um... Pancake mix."

"Penny, I'm not gonna be you drug-runner."

Goodjob Juggie! Stand up to the bitch!

"Of course not. You're gonna be my 'transportation advisor'. Do this, and I'll use your cut of the cash for your dad's case. I'll see what we can do about getting him an early release." She convinces with all that she can offer.

"Okay. Okay I'll do it." 

What?! Jug! We should've talked this over to see if it was the wisest decision!

"Good boy. Okay. Now, you just gotta make the drop off," Was all I could hear before Sweets came back in. 

He looks dumbfounded with all the empty dishes I had on the diner table. 


"Shut up Sweet Pea, it was like watching a movie."

"I didn't even talk..."

"Well now you did so, shut it."

I place a large 10 (if you didn't know, it means a hundred dollar bill) under one of the burger dishes. 

I finally see Jug leaving, looking back at us once. Then, Peabody left. 

"Let's get out of here Salty," I decide, finally realizing what Jughead agreed to.


Ehh, this one's pretty boring but the next won't! Basically since Jug and (Y/n) are taking a trip back to Riverdale High..


Word Count: 711

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