Black Sheep

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Do you guys prefer a lot of shorter chapters like maybe 300ish or few long chapters that have 700+ words? Tell me your opinion!! Also I'm finally updating again!! Obviously... Okie Dokie, you can read now *sigh.


We sat in the diner contemplating what had just happened. I rested my head on my arm, eyes drooping.

"Thank you for helping me tonight, I... I know that, that violates every strand of your DNA, other than (Y/N) cause she's the black sheep of your family"

I gave him a bitch glance daring him to say that again yet he just smirked down at me.

"We've all done bad things, Jug. Ever since the Black Hood walked into this diner. It's like he's making us do them." 

I rested my eyes for a little then my hand slowly slipped. I banged my head against the diner table, immediately gaining my focusness back. "Well that's gonna cause a bruise, not only for me but for the table, too."

The two shook their heads in dissapproval but whatever. 

Again, they ignored me and had a whispered conversation about Jug somehow getting out of this b.s. 

I went back to peacfully napping on the cold hard table.

I felt someone gently tapping on my shoulder, disturbing from a great nap. "What the hell do you want, you piece of dipshit?!"

"Well, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go home, either to the one you grew up in or Jug's trailer, but I guess you don't want one."

"Wait! I'm sorry, brother! Did I mention you look great today? All buff n' all. Also, you're a great brother, my favorite one actually. Do you offer a piggyback ride to and from the truck, too?"

"I know I look great, I always do. I'm your only brother! Your only sibling anyways. If I must, I will include the piggyback ride."

"Great! Wait, what about Juggy?"

"Visiting hours start at sun up. I'm gonna visit my dad."

I nodded and stood up, hitting my knees on the way up. "MAH KNEES!!"

I got shushed by every single person in the diner, not that it hasn't happened before. 

"Go home, Archie. Jug and I'll be fine. I'll go with Jug to keep pretty princess Jarface safe, just to make you happy." I smiled at the two.

Jughead slung his arm around my shoulder and we walked out of the diner.

~Time Skip~

Jug and I sat side by side waiting for FP, wondering how bad the Ghoulies got him.

The door buzzed. We looked up..

His face was still pretty.. I'm going to kill Penny!!

FP sat down and I stared at him blankly. Unbelieving what a lying bitch Peabody was. I grabbed my phone as Jug grabbed his.

"What's up? You guys look like you've seen a ghost."

~Time Skip~

"What the hell game are you playing, Penny? You lied to me. My dad's fine." Jug screamed at her, not that I'm surprised.

"I incentivized you."

"You incentivized him? Are you fucking serious?" I pushed her against the wall holding the collar of her shirt.

"Jug may not do this to you cause he's a fucking gentleman and maybe because I'm a pyschopath, maybe even a sociopath. You told him it'd be a one-and-done! Now fucking do something or I'll rip your throat out." I threw her towards the ground.

She sat from the floor looking up at us. "It's not like there's a choice."

She pulled her phone out showing us footage of Jughead and Archie carrying the crate while I followed behind.

"What is this?" Jug asked rhetorically I hope, unless he's dumb as hell.

"It's insurance you'll do what I say. And if you cause a stink or try to back out, or raise your voice to me ever again, or push me to the floor," She glanced to me.

She continued, "I'll make sure that video goes straight to the Sheriff's office. God, imagine what that would do to the both of you dads' heart. Break it, right?"

She stood up. I was thinking of different of scenarios of taking it away from her but she probably had it on a drive or backed up at least. I couldn't do shit. We were now caged in puppies.

"Why? Why us?"

"FP made me a promise, that he din't keep. As far as I'm concerned, his debt is yours. And I am just getting started with you."

I cut in, " What does this have anything to do with me?!"

"Oh you? I just don't like you."

She walked away leaving us speechless.

I'm on a roll tonight, damn!! Two chapters already! I'll keep going until I pass out lmao.

My Brother's Enemy// Sweet Pea x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang