Firecracker Erupts

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"In Riverdale, everyone wears a mask, not just the Black Hood. But every so often, the mask slips and our true selves are laid bare, for all the world to see." I read, again with the ominous voice.

"So we scramble to put it back on, like a kid in a cheap Halloween costume, but it's too late. People have already seen what's underneath... And it's terrifying."

God damn this novel is good.

"Thanks for letting me sleep over. Now on to the next crashpad until my uncle stops locking me out." Toni thanks, smiling

"My trailer is your trailer. Last night was--" Jughead was able tosay before Toni cut him off

"A PG-13 grope-session?" 

"Ew I did not need to know that.." I say, disgusted

"I'm gonna call Sweets or Fangz to stay in their trailers from now on.." I continue 

S=Sweets F=Fangzy Y=(Y/n)

Y: Hello?

S: What's up Firecracker?

F: Firecracker? The hell?

Y: New nickname Sweets made, it stuck...

F: I mean it does describe you perfectly

Y: *rolls eyes*

S: Did you just type "*rolls eyes*"? 

Y: Obvi

F: Shut up you two, why'd you call us in the first place Firecracker?

Y: I need a new trailer to stay in...

S: Why? Did Jones do something? I'll beat him to a pulp

Y: Calm down Sweets, you need to learn to trust him anyways. Well this is mostly cause Toni was there last night... And they had an apparent "PG-13 grope-session"

F: Eww

Y: Right? So any of y'all trailers free?

F: Mine isn't, my cousin's here. 

Y: Pipebomb building one?

F: Yep, sorry I can't, not enough room.

S: Mine's free, come any time you want.

Y: That's what he said...

F: -_-

S: -_-

Y: Sorry...

F: You owe a dollar to the dick jar now

Y: Hehe... I just made a joke about a guy... Guys have dicks kekeke

F: two dollars now

Y: Fine, I'll shut up

I thought about messaging dad, after all, he's always been there.

D=Dad Y=(Y/n)

Y: Dad, I don't wanna go home...

D: (Y/n), I know. I respect whatever decisions you make but don't make the wrong ones

~ TIME SKIP REEEEEEEEEEE (if you don't get this I'm dissappointed)

I walk the halls of Southside High, outside of Mr. Phillip's room, waiting for the news about the Red and Black. 

Hopefully it was going to good news..

Out of nowhere, Jughead bursts out of the classroom, reading a text message. 

Suddenly, Archie pops out running, "Jug! (Y/n)! We gotta go, right now."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Jughead asks, still upset about the last time they had talked. 

The two continue to talk while as I see McCoy an Sheriff Keller come closer. 

Archie tries grabbing us but I was quicker. I ran out to find the group, only finding Toni and Sweets.


I walk towards Sheriff Keller. "Take me away Sheriff," I say confidently

Being pushed into the lockers, cheek to the cold metal. 

Sweet Pea slammed his fist into the lock but I touched it, telling him to calm down. "In unity, there IS strength," I whisper, barely audible but he nods. 


Word Count: 529

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