Just a Little Hell Raising

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"Where did that come from?"

"Who else knows we're here?"

Betty's suspicious of my brother, "Why'd you say it like that?"

The door slams open. It doesn't help Sweets' nerves.

He wasn't scared for his safety, he was scared for mine.

I realized that I was a liability to him. I was too weak.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when guys in ski masks walk in.

"You rich summer folks never learn. You just keep walking around town, flashing more cash than we see in a year. We're gonna take what we want, and then we're gonna go. If you guys behave yourselves, nobody gets their skulls knocked in." He twists the crowbar in his hand.

They had us in a line, one after the other. 

"Fine, take what you want. We won't give you any trouble."

"Where's your purse?"

"Um... It's... In my bedroom."

Archie looks over to the weapons they had. It was nothing worse than what I've gotten my hands on before.

That wasn't a reason to not be afraid of them. Who knows what they've done before? And that's coming from a scAry gAng mEmber.

"Let's go to the bedroom."

"No. No way are you going with her up there alone. I'll go."

"Archie, it's fine. I'll be fine. We'll be right back. Everybody just needs to stay calm."

I was worried for her. This was not okay. There was nothing we could do.

Minutes later, Veronica gets back and takes my hand, putting pressure.

She did something. We were going to be okay.

Sweets had his arms on me, still trying to place me behind him as much as he could.

One of the guys asked, "Can we go already?"

"You got the cash?"

"Yeah. I got the cash."

Archie speaks up, "Then you got what you wanted."

"Not everything, not yet. Why don't you all get down on your knees?"

One of the other one tries to stop him. "Come on, man, let's not do this."

"Shut up. I said, on your knees. Hands behind your backs. Do it!"

I clearly flinched but I followed his orders. Sweet Pea sees this and shadows my actions.

"It's a nice cabin. I'm sorry we have to make such a mess in it."

The guy gets ready for a swing until the telephone dings.

"The hell is that?"

"That would be the security company calling to check on the silent alarm I hit in my bedroom. I'd say you hillbillies have about 30 seconds to run for it before this place is swarming with guards who will shoot first and ask questions never."

We look over to her. She was quite the badass and I respected her.

They all leave except for one who stays to say "Screw you, rich bitch." He takes her necklace and dashes off.

Archie goes after him, refusing our calls.

We get up, all still shaken up. 

A loud bang was heard outside and that was the end of that. No questions asked.

My Brother's Enemy// Sweet Pea x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now