We ALL Have a Bad Side

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~ Timu Skipu Broughtu tou youu byu Archieu beingu au dumu dumu~

I walked Southside High's hallways with Jughead and Toni.

"What are the other Serpents saying?" Jughead asks Toni, cautiously for his already bad rep.

"Some people give you props for challenging the Ghoulies to a race and beating them, others hate that you cut a deal with Keller because it puts us in bed with the pigs," Toni sighs exasperatedly.

"But he didn't! That was my dumbass brother!" I groan, tired of the shit other Serpents thought.

"Yeah, I know that and you guys know that, but some of them don't," she explains, choosing her words carefully.

We could begin to hear chattering from the cops coming from the corner we were walking towards.

"Oh, no. Is this another raid?" Jughead asks quickly, I held onto Toni and Jug's forearm ready to make a run for it.

"Calm down, didn't you hear?" Toni questions, pulling my tight hold from her.

We back away toward the lockers to have the cops walk right by us. I loosen my hold, letting my hand hang low on my body.

"They caught the Sugar Man." She continues, eyeing Mr. Phillips walking out with one of the police officers holding one of his cuffed arms. 

I would have never expected him. Was it really him? What if the Black Hood set him up? He just seems like one of those teachers you know you can trust. I guess he just had a bad side.

Jughead shakes his head in disbelief with Toni and I just staring.

That night, I stayed with Sweets giving Jughead and surprisingly Betty space. My ship has continued! 

"I just can't believe it was him Sweets!" I say agitated

"Whoa, why are you so mad about it?"

"What if it wasn't him? Maybe The Black Hood framed him or something!"

"I mean it's hard to believe, yeah, but this is Riverdale. The new one anyways. A kid who was trying to get away with his girlfriend was killed by his father, a teacher slept with your brother, also, she died because we have a psychopath killing those who sin."

"I guess, but where this leave Riverdale? Is Riverdale gonna survive Sweet?" I ask worriedly.

I move from the edge of the beat up couch to next him. 

"Shh, just sleep. We need to keep that pretty little brain of yours healthy. Go take the bed, I'll sleep out here."

"If I'm staying here I should take the couch! I'm already annoying you anyways, so I shouldn't take your bed too." I argue

"Whatever you want (y/n)."

I walk over to his storage closet to take out a warm fuzzy blanket with a pillow setting it on the floor near the sofa.

"This ground is really hard," I tell him to hear his chuckles.

~ Anotha Time Skip ^~^ ~

"People of Riverdale, I have rid this town of the drug-dealing  child-killer and others like him. Now, you must choose your fate. The next 48 hours will be a test. And I will be watching you very closely. Show me you are pure of heart, and my work ends. Continue to sin, and I will take up the sword again," I quickly read from the damn newspaper.

"Sweet Pea! Get the hell up asshole!" I shout at his motionless figure on the couch. 

He groggily moves slowly, annoyed at someone yelling him awake.

"What's wrong sweetcheeks?" He asks cockily

God damn he just woke up and he still an ass? I choose to ignore it and continue my point.

"This!" I shove my finger towards the little box on the paper that threatened all of our little town.

"Who could The Black Hood be? Oh right! One of the very people who run The Register! I mean he might as well place a damn signature, Sweets! First, this little threat was written and published by someone at The Register. Second, The Black Hood doesn't have boobs!" I ramble obviously only pointing to Hal, Betty's father.

Imagine it was actually him.. How would Betty feel? Her world would crumble piece by piece. Juggie wasn't a sensitive person either, how would he help her? Maybe I'm thinking too much. I need more coffee. 

"(Y/n), I get what you're saying but think of this realistically." Sweet hushed, making me breathe finally at a normal, slow pace. 

"You're right, I'm just over thinking everything," I suggest, finally feeling alright.

"Wait, back up. What was that?" He teases, feeling triumphant that I told him he was right.

"Oh, shut up you big buffon!" I snappily say, grinning at him nonetheless.

I get a call from none other than my best friend, who might as well be my brother, Jughead.

J=Juggie Y=(Y/n)

Y: "What the hell do you want?"

J: "(Y/n), Peabody called..."

Y: "Wait, what"

J: "Yeah, she just called in for a favor and told me to meet her at Pop's,"

Y: "Well what the hell do you want me to do?"

J: "Be there. Go on a fake, or real, date with Sweet Pea so you can hear what she says to back me up later if I need it. Record everything!"

I could hear his smirk over the phone which made me roll my eyes.

Y: "Fine, only because I know she'll do something dumb and I'll be able to feel useful."

I end the call placing my phone onto Sweet Pea's kitchen counter. 

"Buffon, we'll be going to Pop's today. Call it whatever the hell you want except a date, got it?" I clarify already placing on my clothes for the day. 


Word Count: 901

My Brother's Enemy// Sweet Pea x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now