Just Close Your Eyes

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Jughead dropped me off right in front of the place i grew up in as he raced to Pop's. I ring the doorbell waiting for the friendly face of my father.

"Do you know what time it is? It's way too late for you salesman to be here!" My father said with half lidded eyes.

I burst out laughing. "Dad, it's literally 7' o clock, you old hag!"

His eyes widened in shock, "Call your ole' man a hag again, see what happens."

I gave him a side smirk, "I'm willing to take a chance, ya know."

"Yea, yea, I get it, you're a tough gang member now. Stop talking and give me a hug!"

He didn't have to ask me twice, I missed him so much that I even started tearing. All the past memories came straight towards me.

The time where he had just started to teach me how to ride a bike, the times where I was in an emo phase and shutting everyone out except my friends, trying out makeup for the first time and looking like the lady from Mulan after she spilled tea on her. Dad was here for me.

Dad was always here for me no matter what I did. Why does it take me to almost lose him for me to realize that? God, I'm such a stupid brat.

Dad closed the door behind us and walked me to the kitchen table.

"So, what's been going on?"

"Why do you suspect something's been going on?"

"C'mon, I know you and I know the Serpents. When I add these two troublesome things together, what do i get? A mess, now spill."

I smiled at how well he knew me and told him everything, leaving out the parts about Penny, which is pretty much everything.

I forgot how easy it was to talk to him. It was like he was another kid my age. I told him all about Sweet Pea and how tough he was on the outside but really he was a toddler with an anger management problem.

"So, when will I meet this so called Salty Piss?"

I snorted at the nickname I once called him. Man, I'm so smart that sometimes I have to compliment on how smart I am.

"Whenever he grows the balls to meet you. Anyways, where's Archie?"

"I'm not sure. He said he'd be back in a bit. When do you have to go?"

"Once Juggy comes to pick me up. Did I tell you I learned how to ride a motorcycle? I'll take you on a ride to Sweetwater River."

I figured I would borrow either Fangz or Sweets' bike, they probably wouldn't mind.

"You better. Watch out though, I might just hold on so tight to you that your torso will grow three times it's normal length."

"I'm cool with that if you tell me your stupid dad jokes on the way."

"No problem, make it a date."

A knock comes from the front door and I sadly knew that it was time to go.

"That's Jug now, I'll come back to visit you and Archie soon, Dad. Your little girl won't forget." 

I opened the door to find out I was right. "Hey, Mr. Andrews"

"Jughead. How's your Dad?"

"He's great. We're kinda on a time crunch. Mind if I steal (Y/n) away?"

"Go right ahead, bye you guys. Remember to visit me soon!"

He yelled at us as we walked down the steps. 

"Where are we going now, Jug?"

"Whyte Wyrm?" 

I nodded, hopping on the bike after him.

"Hey! HELMET!" I laughed, looking over at my house to see Dad looking through the window.

I obliged, putting the helmet on my head. I waved at him and we went off. 

I jumped off the motorcycle before Jug parked and raced into the building. 


"Hey, babe."

Jughead rushed in after me to talk to Toni. I got bored of their conversation and walked over to Sweets.

"My Dad wants to meet you."

He spit out the beer he was currently drinking onto Fangz. "You're joking."

"Nope. Are you scared?"

He scratched at his neck and mumbled. "When?"

"I told him whenever you grew the balls too. So the longer you take, the more he'll probably dislike you."

"Thanks for the encouragement, (Y/n)."

"Mhm. I'm tired. Are you almost done for the night? I wanna go sleep." Rubbing my eyes to add to that I was tired. I simply just didn't want to be there.

"Yea, let's go."

Just before we reached his trailer he told me, "Close your eyes."


"Just do what I say."

"It better not be like one of those sappy stories where the guy finds out that the breaks are cut and he tells the girl to close her eyes and tells her to say that she loves him and then they crash and then the guy dies and the girl makes it out alive." I say our of breath.

"It's not. Just close your damn eyes (Y/n)."


I close my eyes, feeling the cool air rush through me. 

"You can open them, now."

I suck in a breath of air because of the sight I see. "You didn't."

"I did."

My Brother's Enemy// Sweet Pea x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum