🌙"Todays a very special day"🌙

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Trinity Jackson's p.o.v.

I decided I wasn't going to be so sad and broken anymore. I was happy. Deep down I knew it. I was with Dele, studying what I loved and I was free to go wherever I wanted to go. I got up and showered, allowing my hair to fall into its natural curls. I put a robe on and decided to have a look at what clothing I had. I opened up the draw that had most of my stuff in it. I decided on something quite simple but effective.

A little black dress with the addition of black heels

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A little black dress with the addition of black heels.

I put a bit of mascara on, some light glitter eyeshadow and I put on a light nude-pink lipstick

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I put a bit of mascara on, some light glitter eyeshadow and I put on a light nude-pink lipstick. I was done and ready. It was around 6:30pm when my phone buzzed.

Del x : Hello princess, come outside xxx

I smiled and stood up from the sofa. I grabbed my small black bag with my purse and phone inside it. I opened the door and Dele stood there. A small bouquet of flowers in his hand. I felt my hands get sweaty and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I have a small smile, as he walked closer. "You look beautiful." He told me. I looked down, not sure what to say. Realising, again, that I'm with Dele, I can compliment him back and admire him. He looked at me, puzzled, as I then faced him, a smile on my face. "You look very handsome, Del." I said, as I felt the material of his blazer jacket. I swallowed hard as he held his hand out. I gladly accepted and he handed me the flowers.

I gave it a sniff and lingered a moment or two, to hold the smell. "These are beautiful." I told him as we got into his car, him driving. There were only five roses, which confused me. "There's a rose for every year I've loved you." Dele said to me. I looked at him quickly, as he kept his eyes focused on the road. He then side glanced a me and looked back at the road. "But...we only met 5 years ago." I said to him as I held onto the flowers. "I know." He told me. I put my hand on his knee and gave it a small squeeze. "I love you so much." I laughed as I said it, because it was true. He quickly placed his hand over mine and a few moments later back on the wheel. I looked out the window, a smile on my face. I had to turn away from him or he'd see how happy I was to know he fell in love with me five years ago.

We approached a pretty posh restaurant. "I think I'm underdressed." I groaned. He shook his head and kissed me on my cheek. We got out and cut through the people in the line. Some of them gasping or calling out Deles name, others getting their phones out and recording. I cowered away, but Dele took my hand and held it. We were given our own private area in the VIP lounge. It was empty and quiet. There were a few candles set up on a table, with a plate in the centre of the placemat, three different spoons, three different knives and three different forks. I looked at Dele, as he pulled my chair back for me. "I really do love you." I told him as I sat down, him racing to the other side to sit opposite me.

A waiter came and offered us some wine. We gladly accepted. The food for tonight was going to be a rare form of steak which I couldn't even pronounce, with other pieces of food I couldn't pronounce. God, I'm useless.

"So.." Dele said, looking at me. I smiled and leant forward. "So.." I copied. He then looked at me as if he was scanning my brain. "Do you remember that time we first met?" He asked me. I nodded, happily. "Tell me." He asked. I grinned and nodded again. "It was five years ago, it was raining and you were just leaving the foster carers home." I started. He nodded. "You were going to live with Harry and his family. I was about...wait I'm turning 21 this year..." I thought aloud, causing him to chuckle. "So, I was 15, nearly turning 16 and this was when I first came to London." I continued. "I was alone and scared, but glad to be away from my family." I told him, he nodded happily.

"I had just got up to the guest room, which was pure white with only specs of black; like the duvet and the cupboards." I let him know. "It wasn't really home. I remember sitting there on the bed, gripping the necklace my brother had given me. And then...You knocked three times on the door." I said, my eyes watering, as he held my hand across the table. "The first thing I said to you was——" I started but Dele cut me off. "Go awayyyyy." He mimicked a child's voice, causing me to laugh. "Yes. Go away. But you stepped into the room and said Hello." I smiled. "You asked me if I wanted your last packet of cookies." I laughed, him joining in. "And I told you to go away again. But you came a little closer." I spoke.

"You asked me if I was sure, because they were really good." I chuckled. "Obviously, because they were really good I accepted. And you came and sat down on the bed next to me. We shared the packet and then I started crying." I said as a tear slipped from my eye. Dele gently reached up and wiped it. "You told me that you knew what it was like to be in care and that the family I was staying with were nice people." I continued. "You also said that you'd always be there for me if I needed to talk or wanted a friend." I smiled. "Then you took my hand and gave it a squeeze. And I remember feeling safe, even though I'd just met you." I told him.

"You took something from your bag and handed it to me. It was a list of rules that I could break without getting in trouble." I laughed. "And you also showed me the easiest ways to sneak out of the house." I sighed happily. "And then...you were gone." I told him, he frowned. "Luckily, I was smart enough to tell you to write your number down so we could text. And then I saw you almost everyday for the next 5 and a half months." I smiled. He sighed happily. "That seems like forever ago." I laughed a little. "Today is a special day." He told me, leaning forward. "Why?" I questioned as I cocked my head to the side. "Today's the date we met. 5 years ago." He said to me.

My mouth hung open and my eyes were wide. How did he even remember that? "How..." I said, but was quite speechless. "What? You think I'd forget the date I met Trinity Jackson?" He asked me with a smile. He made my heart melt. I leant forward and planted a delicate kiss on his lips. I placed my hands on his face. "You're something special, Del." I told him, scanning his face. He smiled. "I love you." I said to him. "I love you too." He replied, leaning in and kissing me.


Quick chapter, sorry haven't updated in a while. I'll post another tomorrow.

Much love x x x

✨Stay Groovy✨

{ dele alli x trinity jackson } ~ ✨Life✨ {made up}Where stories live. Discover now