💥'Small Amber Sparks'💥

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Trinity Jackson p.o.v

By the time everyone was here my phone buzzed, it was my brother. He told me that him and Sarah are going to go out for some lunch and then have a walk around town. My phone buzzed again. It was Harry. He followed me on Instagram. This caused me to laugh. I heard tapping from outside. I got up and walked to the door and creaked it open. It was some of the lads sticking their head out the car. "What are you doing?" I laughed as Eriksen threw down the pebbles he was using to tap on the door. I watched as Winks stuck his head out the window. "Get your butt in the car!" He yelled. I grinned. I pulled the door closed and got in the car, which was already squished full of some of them. I sat right next to Kane and my legs up on Dier. "Hey losers! Where are we going?" I laughed as Hugo drove the car. "Hyde park, meeting Dele there" Dier told me. I nodded.

The clouds were covering the sky, and there was a slight breeze. We had found the segregated area Kane knew about. It was very pretty. The trees towered above, covering most of the sky and the floor was covered in fresh grass, small flower groups popped up around the grassland too. We had laid blankets and a few pillows out. A few picnic baskets were scattered around us, some closed and others opened with stuff being packed out. Dele hadn't arrived yet, so we turned on a small speaker, which was connected to someone's phone. Of course the classic song by Justin Bieber played through the speaker. "Is it too late to say sorry!" I sang loudly, causing a few of them to laugh.

We all sat in a circle. Me, Dembele, Erikson, Kane, Dier, Son, Winks, Onomah, Lloris and then Davies. God knows how we all made it into that car. I took a sip from my beer and watched as Kane lit up a small acceptable campfire. The sun had begun to set when a car pulled up to the cosy area we set up. A few of us stood up including me. The lights of the car dimmed down and the doors opened. Who was it? I grabbed hold of a branch and gripped it tightly, facing it up towards the air.

A few seconds later, Dele popped out from behind the door, his lips curling up into a smile as he looked at me trying to protect myself, causing me to laugh too. I threw the branch behind and maybe it was the liquid courage but I walked over, treading over logs and ducking under branches, to give him a hug. I nuzzled into him as he wrapped one arm around my waist. I noticed as we stopped hugging Ruby Mae getting out of the backseat, my blood began to boil. I really did not like her. She was all dressed up again, in heels, tight skirt and a white tucked in shirt. "Hey Trinity!" She beamed, as she flicked her hair out the way.

I gave a fake smile and turned to walk away, bumping into...guess who. Harry. He towered above me, and caught onto my arms and held me in place to keep me from falling. I looked up and was greeted by a big smile, immediately causing me to smile. He gently let go of my arms. "Hi." I said, feeling my face heat up. "Hello yourself" he smiled again. I swallowed hard and went to say something but nothing came out. "What, no hug for me?" He laughed as we walked over to the logs.

The fire sizzled and small amber sparks burst from the centre. I sat next to Harry. He wore black jeans and a black top. His blonde hair was pushed back and his eyes reflected the fire. Dele and Ruby Mae sat on a log, a blanket wrapped around them. They held on to a stick with marshmallows on the end, into the fire. Erikson walked past me and Harry, draping a blanket over us, as we sat on the soft pillows. "Ooh, cosy" I sniggered, Harry chuckling along. "So, you're Trinity right?" He asked, as he slightly shuffled closer, holding the blanket towards him. I copied his action with pulling the blanket side more over me, so we were sort of wrapped together. I moved a little closer to him as the cold air danced around us. "Yeah, and you're Harry?" I asked stupidly. He gave a small laugh.

"So, tell me about you" he said serious. I looked at him confused. "What?" I chuckled at him slightly. "Tell me about you" he said again, shuffling closer our hands slightly grazing. My face heated up and I felt that strange numbness again. "You want to know about me? Really?" I laughed. He nodded and turned his face to me. "I do" he encouraged. "Oh. Okay, well, do you wanna play 21 questions?" I asked, our pinkies edging closer. I watched him nod then looked at the fire.

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