☀️Contiued from 12 hours earlier☀️

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Dele Alli p.o.v

I wasn't sure what to think. I mean, Ruby Mae just told me she loved me. Did she really mean it? Was she just too drunk to not know what she was saying? Did I love her?

I stared off into space not too sure what to think. "Del?" Trins soft voice rang, I looked at her, as she took a sip of her beer. "Hey, yeah?" I let out, still a little surprised. She was sitting cross legged on the chair, with my oversized shirt on and a pair of shorts, her hair tied back into a messy bun. I smiled. "How is Ruby Mae doing?" She questioned. This sent shivers throughout me. She loves me. We'd only been dating a few weeks, how do you fall for someone that quickly. Then again...Trin. "Yeah she's doing alright. Sleeping it off" I told her, and swallowed hard. She nodded and looked down at her beer, her fingers fiddling with the label that was peeling off. Dier was laughing with Winks, Kane was talking on the phone and most of the others either crashed out or left. I went and sat on the table in front of Trin, she looked up at me a bit surprised. I sighed. "Ruby Mae told me she loves me" I let out.

Trinity Jackson p.o.v

"Ruby Mae told me she loves me" Dele said, looking up at me. I froze, staring at him. I felt my eyes start to burn and a deep throbbing feeling in my chest. I think my heart just broke. I frowned a little, he examined my face. I swallowed hard. I had to be happy for him. I mean, if he really wanted me he'd never of picked her. I gave a weak smile, then looked back down at my beer and began fidgeting with it. "That's g-great" I lied, not knowing what to say. Deles eyes squinted a tad then returned to normal, it was as if he was analysing me. "Yeah?" He asked and lent back. I looked up at him. "Do you love her?" I asked, my voice sounding strained. His eyes flicked between mine, as if he was waiting for something. I swallowed hard. I just wanted Dele. And I realised that a few days ago. But I think he wants Ruby Mae. I nudged him, as if to ask him to answer. He brought his lips to the side and thought for a few seconds.

Dele Alli p.o.v

What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say? What do I say?
I thought for a second to find the right words. I don't even know. I don't know if I love Ruby Mae. How do you just suddenly love someone. "Well.." I started confused. There was a good few seconds silence. "Does she make you laugh?" Trinity asked whilst looking at me. "Yeah.." I said. "Does she make you happy?" She continued. "Yeah.." I said again. "Every time she walks into a room, does your stomach turn into knots, your heart beat out your chest, you lose track of thought?" She asked fidgeting with the bottle again. "Yeah.." I whispered, watching her. "Would you do anything for her? Anything to make sure she was happy?" She asked looking up. I thought about it for a second then I smiled and nodded. I love her. I love HER. I lent back and was shocked. I love her. Trinity watched me and gave a soft small smile. "Then you love her.." she whispered. My face immediately dropped and I shook my head. She cocked her head to the side and looked at me, analysing me.

"I don't love Her." I gulped, my hands becoming sweaty. She raised her eyebrows slightly. "But you just said.." she told me. Maybe I should just tell her? Chance it and tell her. How would she feel about that? "I lov--" I was cut off by her phone ringing. It was Harry. I swallowed hard. "I..I better take this" she said, stood up and walked into the kitchen. I lent forward defeated. There's always something that gets in the way. I don't know what she thinks now.

Trinity Jackson p.o.v

I had to get out of there. I grabbed my phone and darted to the kitchen. My eyes burned and a small lump formed in my throat. He loves Ruby Mae. I wasn't enough and I'm still not enough. I took a deep breath and answered the phone instinctually. "Hello?" I questioned, becoming annoyed when I heard Harry's voice.

"Hey, Trin.." he trailed. I stayed silent. "Trin?" He questioned. I sighed. "Yes. Hi, I'm here. What is it?" I asked. "Oh good, urm...Well, there's this house party coming up tomorrow night. I want you to come" he said as I sighed. I thought about it for a minute as Dier and Dele walked into the kitchen, both slightly chuckling. I turned away from them and leant on a different part of the counter. I nodded. Oops. "Yeah.." I mumbled. "I want to make it up to you...please" he said almost begging. "Yeah, okay. Send me the details and I'll see you tomorrow" I said then ended the call.

I turned back to them as Dier spoke. "Who was that?" He said fidgeting with something. I already knew he knew though. "Who do you think?" I snapped. Dele awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact and Dier looked a little confused. "Sorry" I said to Dier. "Harry wants me to meet him at a house party tomorrow night" I yawned, walking towards the lounge. "Are you going?" Dele questioned me, I stared at him in annoyance and shrugged. "You guys should come..." I trailed on, hoping they would, as we sat down on the sofa. "I mean, it's an open invite. So maybe you guys can come if you're free" I didn't really want it to be just me and Harry. It'll probably be awkward. "Maybe.." Dele mumbled whilst swiping through his phone. I nodded. Maybe tomorrow will be just as disastrous as today. Or maybe it'll be better.


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Username: lovedelealli


Stay Groovy- trv

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