💫House Party💫

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{Reader discretion}

Trinity Jackson p.o.v

{present evening}

I stopped thinking about what had happened last night, it's in the past, and maybe it'll be in the future too but it isn't right now. I finished straightening the last few bits of my curly hair. Was I really going to this stupid house party? Was Dele going to go? I mean he does have a football match tomorrow evening, so he might not. I sighed and grabbed the dark red lipstick. I sat in front of the mirror and examined myself. I look okay. I'm not dressing up, fuck dressing up for a guy who stood me up.

I packed away my make up into my bag and unlocked the bathroom door

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I packed away my make up into my bag and unlocked the bathroom door. Dele and Dier were the only ones downstairs. Everyone went home and I reckon a few of them will be at the party tonight....I hope. I entered the lounge, both heads turning to me. I swallowed hard and put my phone into my pocket. Dele stared at me in awe, I frowned a little and looked away. I don't have time for this.

"You guys coming then?" I questioned, shrugging on my faux leather jacket with a grey hood attached. They exchanged looks. I could tell they didn't want to. "You don't have to.." I trailed, heading for the door. "We'll give this one a miss" Dier said as they turned to me, from the sofa. "If you need anything, call me.." Dele began. I looked at him. "Or Dier" he quickly let out. I nodded, but knew I could take care of myself.

"See ya, then" I said, and immediately left. My head was spinning and I didn't even want to go out. Maybe I should cancel and just meet him when I'm actually in the mood. My phone buzzed.

Harry: Hey, you still coming? Can't wait to see you. Let me know where you are xx

I rolled my eyes.

Me: Hey, yep. On my way, see you soon😌

I walked down the street listening to my music as the moon came out to play.


I was currently standing inside of a very pretty house. However, it was infested with people. There were people dancing, drinking, playing beer pong and even people making out. Why am I here. I huffed. Harry had gone to get us some drinks. It wasn't as awkward as I hoped it be. I wanted it to be weird so that he wouldn't want to see me again. I gave a small smile as he came over. His eyes looked a little cloudy and I could tell he'd been drinking. "Here ya gooo" he grinned. I took the red cup and we cheers'ed, this did make me laugh. I took a few sips and quite liked the fruity taste. The song 'Crank That' was playing. Woah old school. I wasn't really sure what to do, I'd never really been to a house party. I took another few sips then put my cup down. "I'm just going to the toilet" I told Harry who was too busy talking to a friend of his, loudly. I wandered around the kitchen first, it was decorated with crisp packets and beer bottles. I rolled my eyes.

{ dele alli x trinity jackson } ~ ✨Life✨ {made up}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora