🌞"What did you say?"🌞

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Trinity Jackson p.o.v

It had been a few weeks since I told Dele and Dier to leave. Well two and a half to be exact. I liked the peace and the quiet and the freedom of just being alone. Normally people would be lonely at night, begging for someone to hold. I got lonely during the day. I wanted to hang out with someone and talk to someone. It started around 4 days in of hanging out by myself.

I've normally never been alone, I always had someone to be with so this was new. But I liked it and hated it at the same time. I had been receiving texts from Dele, a few at least. But Dier had been the one to check on me everyday, question if I was alright or when we'd next hang out. I decided I should text him. He beat me to it though. My phone chimed.

Dier: Hey! We're having a celebratory gathering at Deles house tonight for Ruby Maes twenty second. You better be coming! I don't want the same thing to happen last time, Trin. Please say you'll come x

Ugh. I don't want to be anywhere near Ruby Mae. I don't like her and she doesn't like me. I rolled my eyes at the idea of going there. I was annoyed Dier brought up last time too. When I first moved here, I was happy and bubbly and excited for a new start. But a few weeks into it, I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to speak to anyone or be near anyone. I just wanted to sleep all day. It felt bad and dark. Which is why Dier is giving me such a hard time about spending the last few weeks alone.

I managed to recover from the spell of bad health through teaching. It's what I enjoyed and when I finally realised it, it took me on this path and I was glad.

I thought about it for a second, maybe I should go to the party. Kill two birds with one stone: show Dier I'm doing all good and show Dele I'm doing perfectly fine without him. I texted Dier back.

Me: Okay Dier, I'll come. 6PM okay?x

I decided to shower, wash my hair. Once I got out the shower I looked in the mirror, my long hair dripping wet. I didn't want it anymore. I smiled to myself in the mirror and dried my hair. I changed into the outfit I was going to wear for Ruby Maes birthday. I shrugged my long dark coat on that came to my knees, which hid my outfit.


I was sitting in the chair, looking at myself in the mirror. It was currently 4:30PM. I'd just had a haircut. And I added some highlights in. I was tired of the old me. I needed something new. I thanked Hannah, who cut my hair, paid and then left. I decided I was going straight to Deles. I picked up some white and red wine and made my way over there.


I stood outside Deles door, nervous. Would they like my hair? Would they hate it?! I gave a deep breath and knocked on the door three times. I swallowed hard as I heard laughing from the other side and the door swung open. I was greeted by Dele. His smile fading when he saw me. Sort of the same look he gave me on my first date that never happened. "Hi." I said, smiling up at him. He swallowed hard, went to say something but couldn't speak. I walked past him. No time for these games. This is his girlfriends birthday. I'm not going to mess around all evening. If he wanted me he'd of picked me.

The others were taken aback when they saw me. It even looked like Ruby Mae approved, not that I cared. "Your hair looks lovely." Dier said from next to me, feeling a part of the newly cut tips. I smiled and thanked him. The whole Tottenham crew were here, well most of them. There were some others too, including Harry Hickford. I gave him a wave and he nodded back with a smile. God he looked good. But no no no, no going back, only forward.

Oh I'm sorry I haven't even shown you what I look like. As you can see, my confidence is at an all time high if I could leave the house and come here in what I'm wearing. 

{ dele alli x trinity jackson } ~ ✨Life✨ {made up}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang